〉shut up〈

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〈 Amanda 〉

Another Monday morning...

Why do I have to go to school?

I stepped downstairs quickly when I heard Corbyn honked.

"Honey! Corbyn's waiting!" mom yelled.
"Why is he so early today?" I asked.
"I don't know really" she replied.
I pecked her cheek, "I'll see you later."

She nodded and I waved before joining the two on the car.

...or should I say three.

Jordan was also there, sitting beside Ashley.

"Hey guys, good morning" I smiled and put my bag on my lap.
"Good morning" they replied almost in-sync.
"Hey Jordan, you're joining us today huh?" I chuckled as Corbyn started the car.
"Yeah, my car's engine isn't working so" he chuckled.
"Oh, well we'll see your school then" I said.
"Yeah and it's gross" Ashley playfully rolled her eyes before getting rubbed in the head by Jordan.

Shortly we reached Jordan's school and we dropped him off.

Ashley sent him a middle finger which caused us to laugh.

"G'bye!" Corbyn yelled.

Jordan waved and thanked Corbyn for driving him.

Corbyn then started to drive towards our school.


The school bell rang and I met Ashley as I walked towards my next class which was Technology.

"Jack was talking to this girl," she frowned. "Why." she huffed.

I pat her back as we took a turn on the hallway.

"It's okay Ash, maybe it's just a friend of his. Or he's maybe not for you." I said.

She whined.

"But you'll get over him soon, I mean there's a lot more guys in here. Look! Zach Herron!" I whispered and pointed secretly.

Her eyes met Zach, but I personally think she doesn't like him.

She faced me and shook her head.

I sighed and we parted ways.

Suddenly, I was nudged in the shoulder.

Christina Marie.

"Um, s- sorry?" I said, more in a confused tone.
"Yeah you better be sorry because I am having a bad day and you made it worse!" she yelled.
"I'm really sorry, Christina." I repeated, now more sincere.

She just rolled her eyes and walked away, nudging my shoulder again.

I was really confused.

She was just like this the whole week last week!

What happened to her?

I shrugged it off and continued walking to Technology.

...which was the same class as her.


I enter my class along with other students.

We had lecture and Christina kept bugging our professor as he discussed.

"Miss Harris, would you shut up and listen?" he slams his book on the table.

The classroom was filled with quiet 'ohs' which made Christina shuts up.

"Alright, fine." she shrugs.

Everyone stared at her, including me.

"What? Continue the fucking lesson!" she exclaimed.

She decided to look at the people at the back which included me.

"What are you looking at bitch?" she spat at me.
"Nothing, Christina. I'm listening at our professor." I retort calmly.

Oh my.

"Are you saying that i'm not?" she chuckled.
"I didn't say anything." I said.

She suddenly stood up.

"If you—"
"Harris and Aldis! Detention for the both of you!" he yelled.

Oh sh—


a/n: this is ending soon!!

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