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〈 Corbyn 〉

"Corbyn!" Ashley's voice called from the living room.
"What?!" I yelled.

I stood up to open the door, but before I do that she already opened the door.

"What?" I asked lazily.
"What are you doing in your room at like, nine in the morning?" she whispered with crossed arms.
"Uh what? Sleeping?" I retort.

She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Amanda's downstairs." she said mid-way in closing the door.

Before she could end her words I quickly opened the door, causing her to stop walking.

"What? Why is she here?!" I exclaimed.
"Because we're neighbors slash childhood friends with her?" she replied, more in a question tone.
"Okay you weren't even born when Amanda and I played with each other." I corrected her, to which she just sighed at.
"Also you need to talk to her." she added.

She quickly left my room and I shut my door.

I let out a stressed groan before falling to my back on my bed.

I then heard Amanda's voice arguing with Ashley, causing me to run outside.

"What is happening?" I sighed and looked around, "And where's mom at?"

Amanda sighed and rested her cheek on her knuckles as she sat down.

"Grocery. And Jordan's with his girlfriend" Ashley replied.
"Can I go now Ash? There's nothing to talk about" Amanda asked.
"Nah," I disagreed. "Let's make things clear about what happened." I said as I sat closely beside her.

She looked at me.

"Sure," she shrugged with a nod. "Go ahead."
"I'll leave." Ashley smiled innocently.

I gave her a glare and she I just smirked before going to her room.

"So, you know it was a dare right?" I asked.
"Yeah I know that, but you guys could've done it somewhere else that's not in my face." she quickly cut me off.
"I didn't had time to move, she was leaning on me." I pouted.

A confused smile started to paint on her lips.

"Just forget it, okay? I don't want to make it a big deal. We're okay now Corby." she breathed out.
"You sure? It feels like you don't mean it." I asked.

Suddenly, she squishes my cheeks which caused the both of us to laugh off guard.

"Yes we're okay, dork" she laughed.
"Yay! I'm such a smart woman!" Ashley yelled.

Amanda and I playfully rolled our eyes.

"Yeah say that again when you're eighteen!" I reminded her.


"Honey! Dad landed!" Aunt Rose announced as she rushedly stepped downstairs, putting on her jacket.

Amanda shot up from the couch.

"WHAT?!" she exclaimed.
"Would you shut your mouth and avoid screaming?" aunt chuckled.

Amanda and I laughed.

"Okay, chill," she puts her hands in surrender. "But anyway, do we ride a taxi?" Amanda asked.
"I can use mom's car, she won't mind" I offered.
"That's too nice of you Corbyn, but we'd rather ride with our own, do we sweetie?" aunt asked.

Amanda's smile drops and looked at me.

She looked hopeless but didn't let it show out.

"M- Mom would say yes." I blurted out.

It was not long when we were all at mom's car after I got her permission in no time.

"Buckle up!" Ashley reminded.

Of course she was with us.

"Alright, let's go!" aunt replied.

I then started driving towards the airport after aunt's cue.

"How many years haven't you seen him?" I asked to break the silence.
"Two years?" Amanda replied more in a question tone and turned to Aunt Rose.
"Yeah, almost two." aunt nodded.
"What's his work again?" Ashley then asked.
"Ship sailor, going around the world" Amanda replied.

After less than half an hour pass, we arrived at the airport.

We exit the car and went inside, staying in a place where Amanda's dad would see us easily.

"I'm hungry" Ashley frowned.

Aunt Rose then handed her a sandwich.

"Hey thank you!" she thanked, to which aunt nodded at.
"Hey guys, let's sit down and waited for Ronald" aunt suggested.



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