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〈 Amanda 〉


Scariest day of the week.

"Bye Amanda! Here's some good luck chocolate from Chile." dad said before handing me a chocolate bar.
"Oh nice, see you later dad" I chuckled and pecked his cheek.

I then face at the door way, only to see Corbyn with his backpack on, smiling.

"I gotta go. Love you!" I waved.
"Bon voyage!" he yelled before laughing.

Ashley then sits at the back of the car, which leads me to sitting infront again.

"Good morning to you too." Corbyn chuckled and turned on the engine.
"Mornin' Corby, mornin' Ashley" I smiled and looked back at Ashley.

She didn't respond.

"Oh, someone had a tough night. What happened?" I asked.
"From the dinner yesterday when mom and your dad talked about her ex that made fun of her so they broke up" Corbyn laughed dryly, making me do the same.

I heard her groan and get her phone from her bag.

"I'm so sorry Ashley, you didn't deserve that. I didn't expect dad to talk about Corbyn and I swimming in the same pool together." I said.

Later on her face started to lit up.

"Oh God, don't even start it! She kept teasing me after the dinner about that thing and her ex is the only thing I can shot her back" Corbyn added.
I laughed, "Gross!"

We chuckled.

"Hey, are you seeing Jack today?" I whispered at Ashley.

She quickly nodded.

"That's nice for you then" I smirked and she wiggled her eyebrows.
"You guys know i'm here, right?" Corbyn asked.
"Of course?" Ashley replied, as if it was common sense.

Corbyn shook his head before stopping at the school's parking lot.

"See you guys" Corbyn waved.


"Just tell me! Corbyn is like, at the other building" I urged Ashley.

She sighed and looked to her left and right.

"I think Jack's asking me out." she whispered.

My mouth forms an 'o' and then laughed with her.

"No way! Aghhh!" we squealed and jumped around with holding hands.
"I know! I'm pretty sure mom's gonna let me have a boyfriend but i'm not gonna put my hopes up..." she nervously smiled.
"If that was my mom she'd kill the hell outta me" I chuckled.
"Rip, mom's a dope mom though, she lets me do stuff" she shrugged with a grin.
"Lucky," I sighed. "Mom and Dad get along very well when it comes to scolding their little daughter."

〈 Corbyn 〉

I went to the bleachers with Christina after her French ended while it was Technology for me.

We only get to see each other in the same period on Fridays. Other than that it was a labyrinth of schedules.

"Before you speak," she gestures 'stop'. "Lemme guess, you hate me after the kiss at the party don't you?" she asked with closed eyes.

A short laugh escape my lips.

"What? No, of course not" I corrected her.

She opens her eyes and puts her hand in her chest, sighing in relief.

"Okay, sorry that I assumed, but anyway why'd you invite me here for?" she asked.
"It's because I promised to give you these" I said.

She was confused, but then understood after I brought out an envelope with a thousand dollars inside.

She opened it, "No way! There's no way i'd accept this, thank you, next" she laughed in-shock and gave the envelope right back to me.

I shook my head with a chuckle.

"I promised, now here you go" I retort and gave her the envelope.
"You sure? It was a joke" she frowned and got the envelope shyly.
"But I didn't take it as one," I said. "Don't really need it, all yours." I smiled.

She nodded and bit her bottom lip slightly with a smile.

"Thanks" she chuckled. "Ew, i'm so awkward, sorry" she laughed.
"Nah, you're dope. Anyway I, sadly, need to go to English." I quickly said.
"Hey um before you leave," she looked down at her shoes. "Does Amanda hate me or something?" she asked.

I was a bit shocked by her question.

"No, of course not. Why would she?" I asked with a bit of common sense.
"I don't know, maybe because I always talk to you or something." she replied, unsure.
"Nope, not at all. She thinks you're cool" I reassured her with a smile and nod.
"Okay, i'll see you" she said.

She turned her heel to the opposite way of mine and started to walk away.

A random smile was plastered on my face, and I then remembered Amanda again.

I turned around and she sat there, tapping on her shoes like she was waiting for me.

Oh God.

"Hey, come on?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah sure." she nodded.

Bunch of waves of relief washed me.


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