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•  Shadow  •Word Count ~ 1053

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•  Shadow  •
Word Count ~ 1053

I awoke with a groan, as my head started pounding as I sat up. I look around and see that I'm still in the floor of the living room.

'Father must of gone to bed' I think to myself

I grab my phone from my back pocket and turn it on, the screen comes to life in a white glow as the time reads


Damn it

I slowly get up whimpering slightly as a sharp pain erupts to my side,

Shit he might of broken a rib

I grab onto the sofa and use it to help pull me up I then stagger over to my bedroom, trying to keep as quiet at possible, and slowly lock the door behind me.

I let out a sigh of relief and go over to the bathroom I turn on the light and wince at my reflection.

My hair is messed up, going in all sorts of directions, I have dark rings around my eyes, my skin is worryingly pale and my lip is bleeding.

"Fuck" I whisper to myself

But that was not all

I slowly and carefully take off my t-shirt revealing my white lacy bra, which is now ruined with my blood.

I have bruises all across my stomach, ribs and chest. Small cuts also litter my body. I then begin to take off my jeans and shoes. Revealing even more bruises and cuts upon my thighs and legs.

I gently remove the rest of my clothing and turn on the shower. As I step in the warm water almost instantly relaxes my muscles and helps with the pain. I let out another sigh in relief as I start to run my fingers through my hair, getting the shampoo out and washing the tangled mess.

After a while I turn the shower off and grab my white towel rapping it around my delicate figure.

A thought suddenly came to mind..

'What if I just...ran away?' I ponder on the thought for a few second before shaking my head

'No where would you even go? At least here you have a bed to sleep in and you'll get an education' I think to myself

'Yeah right you grades are going to shit, your getting abused everyday at school and at home, I mean how do you know that he won't actually end up killing you?' Another side of my thoughts say,

"Fuck it, anything else will be better then this place, at least out there by myself I'll have a choice" I conclude my final answer

'Tonight is the night that I'm set free'

I sit in front of my mirror and begin to dry my hair, I then cover up the bruises on my face with concealer and put on a bit of mascara. Once my hair is back to its natural loose brown curly waves and I look like myself again, I get up and walk over to my closet.

I grab some black nickers and a matching white sports bra and slip them on. I then grab some ripped skin tight blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt. After putting them on I then grab my black and white nike trainers tying them up tightly.

I walk over to my black rucksack and begin to pack all of the things that I'll need,
• Cash
• First aid kit
• Spare socks
• Change of underwear and bra
• Toothpaste/Toothbrush
• Hairbrush
• Water bottle
• Deodorant
• Perfume
• Pepper spray
• Some food
• Hairbands
• Concealer and mascara
• Makeup wipes
• Portable charger
• Earphones

I zip up my bag once I'm certain that I have everything that I'll need. I then grab my black leather jacket and put it on top my my white T-shirt, I put my rucksack on my back and grab my iPhone, putting it in my pocket and zipping it up so I don't loose it.

I face the mirror and see my reflection starring straight back at me,

"Damn I actually look quiet badass" I say to myself quietly letting out a nervous chuckle.

I then walk over to my window, fully opening them, I inhale a sharp breath.

"Wow this is really it" I say turning back to my room having one final look at it.

'Maybe this is a mistake' a small voice in my head says

"No" I sharply but quietly reply to my own thoughts.

"There's no going back now" I turn back around and look up at the sky, leaning against my windowsill.

"There's got to be something else out there for me, this can't just be it, there's something else,
I-I believe that there is" I say longingly, I shut my eyes and exhale a long breath.

However there's suddenly a large gust of wind,
my eyes quickly snap open and I back away from my window. All of a sudden a pitch black shadow with soulless white eyes comes into my room.

A look of horror makes its way on to my face, as the terrifying shadow extends one of its hands to me. I shake my head unable to speak and freeze in my place. I wanted to make a run for my bathroom, but my legs stayed glued in place.

The shadow harshly grabs my wrist and starts to pull me to the window, I start to desperately try to get away and get myself free.

"What do you want from me?!" I scream at the shadow just as we get to the edge of my window.

The shadow slowly turns it head back around to me and replied

"You called upon me" in a nefarious dark voice that wasn't close to being human and sent chills up my spine.

Before I knew it, the shadow turned back around, pulling me out of the window but instead of falling, the shadow started to fly up higher and higher.

I screamed in fright as I saw my home and London getting smaller and smaller and I rose higher up into the dark night sky...

As promised here's the next chapter right on time.
For this story I'm really going to try to update each week and the next chapter will be a lot more exiting trust me 😉
Anyways I'll see you guys on the next chapter Xxx

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