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• Sunset •Word Count ~ 1419

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• Sunset •
Word Count ~ 1419

Me and Pan sat next to each other, both looking into the dancing flames of the small fire.

Once me and Pan had stopped swimming we both decided to make a fire while waiting for the sunset.

* Flashback *

"Common then if we're going to be waiting until sunset them we're going to need to build a fire"


"Because temperatures drop drastically at night"

Pan started to create a foundation on the beach for the fire.

"I'll go collect fire wood" I say before going into the jungle.

I looked around, picking up pieces of wood and sticks that would be good for the fire, before turning back around, to the beach.

Once I arrived I saw that Pan had already finished the foundation of the small bonfire. I walked over and put the bits of wood down.

Pan then raised his hand and a flame appeared, which he sent towards the pile of sticks.

A beautiful fire immediately appeared.

Me and Pan both sat down in front of the fire in a comfortable silence.

Pan was right about the temperature dropping, after about an hour I had begun to feel the chill. I wrapped my arms around myself hoping to keep warmer.

Pan soon noticed.

"You cold?"

"Maybe" I muttered

"Told you so" I looked over at him to see that he had a small smirk on his face, I glared at him.

"Common" Pan opened one of his arms to me, I raised an eyebrow.

"Common then, if your cold" I slowly and cautiously shuffled over to him.

He wrapped his arm around me and suddenly there was a blanket draped over my shoulders.


"No problem"

* End Of Flashback *

I slowly turned my attention away from the fire and to him. His expression had softened as he looked into the flames, the light casing a comforting aura around him.

"The sun will be setting shortly" he commented, looking over at me, I nodded.

I looked out at the ocean, a smile plastered on my face. I'd always had a fascination of the ocean, a love for it, it always intrigued me, a bit like the moon.

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