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• Truth Or Dare •Word Count ~ 1287

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• Truth Or Dare •
Word Count ~ 1287

I awoke to the feeling of someone playing with my hair. My eyes fluttered open and I found that my head had been resting on Pans chest.

One of his arms was around my waist, holding me close, while the other he was using to swirl a strand of my hair around his finger. Our bodies were pressed up against each other's and our legs were tangled under the covers.

"Hey" I smiled up at him, my morning voice sounding more delicate and soft.

Pan instantly made eye contact with me.

"Hey" he replied.

I looked down only to realise that he wasn't wearing a shirt. I blushed.

"Don't you ever wear a shirt to bed?" Pan followed where my eyes were, and smirked.

"Like what you see?" He winked.

"Shut up" I mumbled, nuzzling my head into his chest. He chuckled.

"We need to get up love" I groaned in protest.

"This is why I wanted to get back to camp earlier last night. I knew you'd be tired."

"I'm not tired, just comfortable" I protested.

"Yeah sure"

"Common love, time to get up"

"What's on today's agenda them?" I asked him.

"Well we're having a bonfire in the evening"

"Okay then, I'll be asleep until then"


"Okay! okay! I'm up!"


The morning had basically just consisted of training, training and even more training.

It was now the afternoon and everyone was setting up the bonfire.

I decided that I wanted to change for the bonfire, considering that I'd been training all day with this outfit on.

I walked over to be cabin and opened the door, walking straight to my closet. Pan had made sure to put multiple different choices in there.

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