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•  Camp  •Word Count ~ 1488

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• Camp •
Word Count ~ 1488

As my eyes flutter open, I let out a pained moan as I'm greeted with a pain in my head.

I rub my eyes, allowing them a few seconds to adjust to the light before finally taking in my surroundings.

I was in a cabin, the walls were a dark oak, with a door on opposite sides of the room. But what drew my attention was a desk right in the centre with papers covering it so that you could barely see the wood beneath. Potions and strange objects were on a shelf just above the desk.

Suddenly my eyes land on a dark corner of the room and I see two vibrant green eyes staring straight back at me.

I take a sharp inhale as I continue eye contact with the stranger before I hear it let out a dark menacing chuckle.

He walks out from the shadows the same smirk plastered on his face from the last time I saw him.


His dark smirk widens upon hearing the fear in my voice.

"I'm so glad you remember my name love"

"Could've sworn my lost boys gave you a concussion after knocking you out" I glare at him.

"You know you could've just asked"

"I did" he let out another intimidating chuckle.

"Anyway James is going to show you around camp, get up" and with that he walks out the tent.

I let out a groan before slowly getting off of the bed and walking towards where Pan went.


Me and Pan walked along in silence.

"You don't really talk much do you" I stated, he grumbled as a response, I signed.

I looked at the floors for a few seconds before looking back up and I see a boy jogging towards us.

When he saw me he smiled.

"Hey there newbie"

"I'm James" he says extending his hand to shake, he sends me a goofy smile and flashes a perfect set of sparkling white teeth. I smile back at him and shake his hand.

"Maze" his smile only widens at my response

"Cool name"

"Looks like your in good hands, Show the girl to her cabin and explain to her the rules" with that he walks off, leaving me and James by ourselves.

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