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• The Cliff •Word Count ~ 1424

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• The Cliff •
Word Count ~ 1424

A few days had passed since my argument with Pan. Each day mainly consists of the exact same routine.

Wake up.
Have breakfast.
Train until noon.

Sometimes there was the occasional bonfire but I haven't attended one of those since the game of truth or dare.

Today however. I'd woken up a little bit earlier than normal and I didn't feel like sticking to Pans rules today.

Fuck Pan. Today I'm going to explore.

I quickly got dressed and walked out of my cabin door.

The sun was only just starting to rise. I grabbed an apple from the cabin with all the supplies in and also a sword just in case.

And then I was in my way. The first place I thought of going to was the beach.

I could just walk down the beach until I come across something. So that's what I did.

It didn't take long before I finally arrive at the beach. I looked around and saw that about a mile ahead there was a massive cliff that hung above the ocean.

'Imagine the view from there'

I smile to myself and started to walk to the cliff.

The sun had now completely risen and wondered if anyone had noticed my disappearance.

Neverland usually was extremely hot, but what sense would you expect from a magical jungle/Forrest that was apparently in a different world that-

Yeah I'm just gonna stop right there or my heads going to explode.

Finally I was at the end of the beach the cliff towering over me.

Maybe if I just walked round it and try to find a way to get up that hopefully won't kill me.

I walked around the edge of the cliff before finally seeing a little pathway that ran up the side of it, it was steep but I'm sure I would be fine.

I finally arrived at the top just after noon. The view was absolutely beautiful. I could see the whole island from up here.

I carefully sat down, laying my back upon the grass, soaking in the sun.


My eyes slowly opened to the sound of rustling. 

'I must've fallen asleep'

I slowly got up and stretched. Suddenly the rustling sound came again. I quickly turned around to try and find where it was coming from.

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