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• Fight •Word Count ~ 2050

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• Fight •
Word Count ~ 2050

Pan and I walked along side each other in silence as we made our way to the arena.

I guess you could say that I was incredibly nervous for what he had planned. Most probably because there was almost a 99.9% chance that it wouldn't end well for me.

Finally after what felt like hours, Pan broke the silence.

"You scared?"

"No" I scoffed, trying to come off as confident.

Hearing the slight worry in my voice, Pan turned his head to me and smirked raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"Yeah sure"

I looked up meeting his gaze and glared at him.

"I'm not!" I tried defending myself, but Pan just lightly chuckled before turning back to look where he was going.

I looked down slightly, frowning.

"We're here" Pan announced. I looked back up and surely enough we were at the training grounds.

Pan sends me a look. The look. The look that he always wears when his up to no good.


"Common boys!" Pan shouted, the training grounds instantly went quiet and all attention was locked towards Pan.

"Were going to play a little game" Pan dragged his words out in a dark and sinister manner that sent chills up my spine.

He then looked over to me, all of the lost boys eyes following.

"Today we're going to see what the new lost girl is capable of" A few of the lost boys sniggered. I saw James send me a look of concern, and Thomas with a look of panic.

"So.." Pan turned back to the lost boys with a smirk.

"Who wants to fight the new lost girl?"

Multiple hands shot up. Pan carefully looked over the lost boys before making his decision.


Thomas's eyes widened the second Pan spoke his name. Mine did as well.

'I can't fight Thomas! He's my friend'

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