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• Swim •Word Count ~ 1298

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• Swim •
Word Count ~ 1298

"Can we go to the beach?"

"Why the beach? Don't you like the waterfall"

"No no of course I do!"

"It's just... I wanted to explore more of Neverland." Pan raised an eyebrow at this.

"I didn't think you liked the island."

"I think the island is beautiful," I say picking up my clothes ready to go to the beach as it isn't that far from here.

"It's just the people I'm not so keen on," I muttered, starting to walk towards the beach.

"Hey! I heard that!" Pan shouted after me.

"You were supposed to!" I shouted back, giggling.

"Oh your in for it now!" Pan threatened me. I broke out into a sprint, still laughing.

It didn't take long before I was at the beach, I'd started to slow down as my stomach was hurting from all the laughing.

Big mistake.

Pan suddenly came up from behind me and tackled me to the ground.

We started to roll down the beach in a heap, by the time we'd stopped we were both groaning in pain.

Pan got off of me and rolled onto his back, I did the same.

"You bloody idiot!" I shouted at him angrily, but as soon as I saw him, I couldn't contain my laughter and apparently he couldn't either.

We both looked completely ridiculous, we were both covered head to toe in sand, our clothes were now dirty and our hair was a mess.

Soon the laughter dies down and we were both looking up at the sky until I broke the silence.

"We should probably get cleaned up," I commented not taking my gaze off the sky. I felt Pan look over at me.


"Common then," he said, getting up, I just continued to lay there on the sand. Pan looked down at me a confused yet entertained expression on his face.

"You getting up?"

"Nah, I think I'll just lay here for a while" I closed my eyes, soaking up the sun.

Suddenly I felt Pan grab my waist.

"W-wait! What are you-" Pan suddenly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I let out a scream of shock.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted at him.

"We're getting cleaned up"

He suddenly started walking to the sea.

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