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• Bottling Emotions •Word Count ~ 1689

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• Bottling Emotions •
Word Count ~ 1689

I yawned as the sun shone through my window and into my cabin.

Memories of me waking up next to Pan flooded my mind, but I quickly pushed them aside.

I'd spent the rest of the day before in my cabin, trying to catch up on sleep and I do feel a lot better.

I'd shown my weak side yesterday, my emotions were still there and obviously still hurt, all that pain and suffering doesn't just instantly disappear. It's always there and never leaves.

But today I'm going to try and put my walls back up and hopefully block as much of it as I can.

I was going to face today head on.

I slowly got up from my bed and walked over to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I then brushed my hair before putting it up into a ponytail.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed some faded black jeans, a white long sleeve blouse and a brown corset. I quickly put them on before grabbing my boots and tying them up.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was satisfied with my hair and clothes but I could still see a hickey on my neck that Pan had given me two nights ago.

A look of pain flashed in my eyes for a split second at the very thought of him, but I pushed it away almost as soon as it came.

I quickly grabbed my concealer, covered it up and walked out my cabin door.

Everyone was already up, having breakfast and all eyes turned to me.

There was no fucking way I could have breakfast with them at the moment. Too many questions, too much awkwardness.

So instead I decided to get a head start on training. I walked right past them, I felt their eyes locked on me, but no one said a word and I started to walk straight to training grounds.

'Well that was bloody awkward' I thought as soon as I was out of view.

'Hopefully everyone will stay away from my at training'

Once arriving at the training grounds I decided on practicing my archery.

I picked up at bow and followed everything that I had remembered.

My mind wandered back to when Pan was teaching me archery

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