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• Catching Feelings •Word Count ~ 1404

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• Catching Feelings •
Word Count ~ 1404

"I'm not lying!" I protested.

"You do care about me." Pan said.

"I can tell, so stop lying to yourself"

"What happened to you and all your 'love is weakness' stuff" I scoffed. Pans eyes narrowed.

"I said that I cared about you Maze, I didn't say that I loved you" Hurt flashed across my face before I could stop it. Pan raised an eyebrow at this.

"Unless you love me? Oh my god is that what's going on here? You've fallen in love with me?"

"With you? Of course not!" Pan smirked at me.

"But you do have feelings towards me, don't you love." It was more of a statement then a question.

"I-I um"

"Show me the pebble." Pan demanded catching me off guard.

"T-the pebble?"


I hadn't actually seen it since it was grey, I was actually scared of the colour it held now, especially because I had no idea what to expect.

"I don't have it on me" Pan raised an eyebrow at me.

"Then where is it"

"In my cabin"

In a split second we were at my cabin.

"You have got to stop doing that" I stumbled slightly from the sudden change in scenery.

I quickly went over to my wardrobe and saw that the pebble was right where I left it. I quickly grabbed it without looking and hid it behind my back, before turning around and facing Pan.

"Let me see it Maze" he growled.

"No! What gives you the right to come in my room and to demand to see it" I snapped.

Pans gaze darkens and he steps forward, I stepped back, this continues until my back hit my cabin wall.
Suddenly Pan was so close to me that I can feel the warmth of his breath on my face.

I couldn't take it anymore. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Please stop it" I spoke my voice shaking. Pan looked at me with confusion.

"Stop what?"

"Stop everything! The teasing! The flirting! Stop saving me! Stop saying you care! I hate this fucking game! I'm loosing my fucking mind! I've been screwed over so many bloody times in my life that I just don't have the effort anymore!" I hung my head as I spoke the next few words.

"I give up. I can't play this game anymore. I can't do it. You win. Just please leave me alone."

"I can't emotionally and physically take it anymore, enough with the mind games.... you've won..."

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