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•  Lets Play A Game  •Word Count ~ 1960

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• Lets Play A Game •
Word Count ~ 1960

"Hide and seek!"

"No! Hunting!"

"Capture the flag!"

The lost boys were screaming out options for possible games, while Pan just watched on, his classic smirk plastered on his face.

"Enough!" Pan shouted at the boys, his voice seemed to boom all throughout camp making everyone stop in their tracks, fall in line and not dare speak a word.

'Damn Pan really does have all the power on this island'

"We're going to play a little game of...cat and mouse" Pan says with a sly tone, like he was planning something.

"Maze" I look up and see that Pans piercing gaze is locked on me.

"Will be our mouse, whoever catches her first wins" I glare at him.

"What do we win?" Logan calls out, Pans eyes wider along with his smirk.

"Her" the lost boys gasp excitedly, I however look horrified.

"Well a night with her that is" the lost boys starts talking to each other in hushed whispers.

"I didn't consent to any of this!" I shouted at Pan, all eyes turned to me then back at Pan.

"Oh common love it's just a game" Pan says walking over to me, stopping when there's only a few centimetres between us.

"Unless your scared" he whispers to me with a challenging tone. I scoff crossing my arms.

"I'm not scared"

"Great then! Let's get on to the game!" He send one final smirk my way before turning back around leaving me in shock.

What have I just gotten myself into?..

"The only rule is to simply get the girl back to camp unarmed, she will have a 5 minute head start, if she isn't found by sunset then she wins. Any questions?" Nobody speaks up.

"Great then, on the count of three"




Pan appears behind me and whispers into my ear

"Run little lost girl, run.."


The wind whips at my hair as I run through the dense jungle. I try to keep as far away as I can from thorns, brambles and and especially that Dreamshade that James kept going on about.

'Don't exactly feel like dying anytime soon'

Suddenly I hear calls and whoops from the direction I was running from, the game had started..

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