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• Goodbye •Word Count ~ 1523

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• Goodbye •
Word Count ~ 1523

I barely got any sleep that night. I'd decided that I'd ask Pan about his true feelings towards me tomorrow and if he truly didn't love me. I'd take Tinks advise and leave the island.

I didn't want to believe that what she said was true but, so many people have said the same thing, the same warning. I've heard it so many times that I am starting to doubt Pan.

Finally sunrise came, I quickly put on some black leggings and a baggy oversized sweater.

I walked out of my cabin and took in a deep breath. Today I'd find out the truth.

"Hi princess." I heard someone say next to me. I jumped in shock, quickly turning around.

"Bloody hell James you scared me" I chuckled, putting a hand on my chest.

"I thought I'd come and say goodbye just in case I don't get a chance to later." He looks at me with sadness.

I pull him in for a hug.

"I know that this is what's best for you. But I'm really going to miss you Maze." James confesses. I hug him even tighter one more time before letting go.

"I'll miss you too."

"But hey there's a small chance that I might not go." I nervously chuckle.

"Good luck Maze. Keep the bean ready incase" I nod before walking off to go find Pan.


I finally see him talking to Felix by a tree. I start to walk over. Their conversation stops as soon as they see me.

"Hey Pan, do you think we could talk?" Pan looks at me slightly confused.

"Yeah sure. I'll talk to you later Felix." Felix smiles at me, which I return before he wonders off leaving me and Pan alone.

"So what did you want to-"

"Do you love me?" I cut him of. Pans eyes widened.

"D-do I-um do I what? Pardon?" This is the first time I've ever heard Pan properly stutter over his words, not a good sign.

"Do you love me?" I repeat.

"Let's go somewhere more private." Pan grabs my hand and starts to drag me off into the jungle.

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