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• Love? •Word Count ~ 1533

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• Love? •
Word Count ~ 1533

After my talk with Pan yesterday, we'd started to get quite close. Asking random questions to each other and just telling each other the little things you know, like favourite colour, animal, food, random stuff like that.

I'd just finished training and I'd decided to take a walk through the jungle. I still had my sword with me from training.

I soon made it to a clearing in the trees. A small rustling noise came from behind me, starting me.

My thoughts drifted back to that day on the cliff. Pan could just be trying to scare me.

"Pan?" I ask.

A second rustle comes from another direction.

"Pan if that's you it's not funny." I warned

"Hello love," I heard a masculine voice from behind me. But there was just one problem. He didn't have a British accent.

I quickly lift up my sword and spin around only to see,


"Well, what do we have here?" Alex smirks at me.

"Not so smart for a weak little girl like yourself to be out here alone is it?" He chuckles to himself. I glare at him.

He chuckles once more before his handsome features twist into a snarl.

"Grab her." I look at him in confusion.

'Wait who else is here?'

Suddenly someone comes up from behind me, yanks my sword out of my hands and another clamps his disgusting hand over my mouth.

I place my hands on top of his, trying to pry them off me. When that doesn't work, I elbow him in the gut. He lets out a screech of pain and let's go of me.

I see my chance and make a run for it, only to get pulled back by Alex, who then shoved me to the ground.

I attempt to scramble to my feet, but am kicked back down by the person that I elbowed in the gut. I finally got to see who it was.


'Wait Logan?! Why is Logan helping Alex?'

I glare up at Logan and Alex refusing to show any sign of weakness.

"Logan? Why are you helping Alex" I spat out Alex's name like a disease.

"Alex is my friend. He thinks your messing everything up and I trust him." Logan reply's but he doesn't look completely sure.

"What am I messing up?" I ask in confusion.

"Your making Pan go soft you good for nothing bitch!" Alex shouts at me, before kicking me in the stomach. I whimper in pain.

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