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• Confessions •Word Count ~ 1744

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• Confessions •
Word Count ~ 1744

"You never answered my question" I told Pan, referring to earlier. After our argument we'd both decided to just call it a night. We're walking back to camp at the moment, I'm still trying to keep my distance from him.

Pan sighed and stopped walking. I stopped as well, he looked up at me.

"Yes and no"

"What do you mean, yes and no?" I asked a little bit frightens now that he's partly admitted to what I'd said.

"Well bits of it are true and bits off it aren't" Pan sat down by a tree, he motioned for me to sit beside him, I shook my head.

"Not until you tell me the truth" I crossed my arms.

"Well for starters no, I haven't been bringing girls to Neverland to make them fall in love with me, only to kill them, I mean common doesn't that sound a little bit stupid to you?" I thought for a second.

"I guess" I nervously chuckled, before looking back up at him.

"There have been other girls on this island before though, well one girl."


"Her name was Alice. Alice Renton"

"Alice came to my island a few years ago, she had come from the enchanted forest, so she already knew about magic. She said that she was abused by her stepmother. Because she felt lost, I allowed her to stay" Pan paused.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting down in front of him.

"Let's just day that she was nothing but trouble. Turned out that her whole story was fake and she was sent to my island to murder me, cause havoc upon my island and make the lost boys turn on one another"

"Did she succeeded?"

"Partly. She pretended to be in love with me along with multiple other lost boys, luckily most of them thought that she was suspicious so they stayed away from her. But there was one lost boy specifically that she had wrapped around her little finger."


"Alex." I let out a gasp.

"Alex was the one who told me them things about you!"

"Doesn't surprise me, I had my suspicions." Pan still looked pissed, though he tried to play it of.

"I'll deal with him tomorrow."

"So. What happened after that?" I asked referring to the story.

"Well Alex fell completely head over heals in love with Alice. One night while I was in my cabin, I woke up to see Alice in front of my bed with a knife. She tried to kill me, but she clearly didn't succeed. I sent her to the cages and the very next morning, I killed her."

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