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• Tease •Word Count ~ 1547

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• Tease •
Word Count ~ 1547

The warm sunlight hit my face, casting a golden glow upon the room.

Me and Pan had gotten back quite late last night so we just went straight to bed, no conversations, no good nights, nothing.

I guess it was just a little bit awkward between us after what had almost happened.

Okay okay allot more awkward.

But I couldn't focus on that now. Now that I've seen Pans vulnerable side, now that I know I have a shot at winning this game. That's what I need to focus on.

I shook my head and sat up.

I looked over to the other side of the bed and see Pan.

He looked so peaceful, like a child that you didn't want to wake. His hair was all messy, and the sunlight hit his face at the perfect angle making him look truly stunning. His lips were slightly parted and his features were relaxed.

A small smile made its way into my face.

I silently pulled off the cozy warm blankets, hoping not to disturb Pan as I got up from his bed. I closed my eyes as it silently squeaked before looking over at Pan.

Luckily, he only stirred slightly and didn't wake up. I stood up and pulled another one of his blankets over him.

Walking over to the opening of his tent, I pushed through and walked outside. Thinking of a plan.


I sat on a log near the campfire deep in thought. There obviously was no fire lit as the sun was still at its peak, so roughly one in the afternoon.

Some of the lost boys were training and the others were just talking. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Pan talking to Felix.

I frowned.

'What are they talking about?'

Their conversation seemed to have ended after a few second of me watching them as Felix suddenly walked away from Pan, and Pan just should there, his back facing me so I couldn't see his face.

I stood to my feet and made my way towards him. As his back was to me, I tapped him on the shoulder. He quickly spun around with an irritated look, but it melted away the second he realized it was me.

"Yes, love?" He raised an eyebrow at me expectantly. He almost seemed stunned that I had willingly come to him.

"Umm," I stammered as I dug the toes of my shoe against the ground.

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