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• The Moon •Word Count ~ 1560

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• The Moon •
Word Count ~ 1560

My eyes fluttered open.

I looked around and saw that I was in some sort of cabin.

Pans cabin I recognised almost instantly.

The previous events of what happened before I blacked out came back to me, hitting me like a truck.

I propped myself up, leaning on my elbows. It was then I remembered that I was cut on my arms and my side.

I should've felt some sort of pain. Shouldn't I?

But there was nothing. My eyes landed on my arms and I didn't see cuts or scars. I was healed.

'How the hell did my injuries heal so fast? How long was I asleep?'

Pan suddenly appeared right in front of me making me jump. Also, unfortunately for Pan, due to reflexes, the fright of Pan suddenly appearing next to me made me punch him in his nose.

"Ow!" Pan clutched his nose.

"Bloody hell!" Blood was now dripping.

I quickly stood up and went to help but Pan raised his hand for me to stop. I stood at a distance from him. He waved his hand on his nose and it was no longer bloody and broken.

The scene left me flabbergasted. How the bloody hell did he do that?! Can you now use magic to heal yourself as well?!


"Since you proved yourself last night, I'm giving you a rest from training" Pan cut me off as if I didn't speak and as if his nose wasn't broken a few seconds ago.

"Last night?" I was shocked.

"But my wounds, they're gone. I must've been out for more then just one night."

"I healed you with magic, just like I healed myself." He said, as if it was the most logical explanation in the world.

"Of course you did." I sighed, then paused for a moment.

"What time is it?"

"There is no time on Neverland."

I sent Pan an unimpressed look, which caused him to chuckle.

"Late noon. The sun will be setting in a few hours."

"You slept all last night and most of today. Guess your body needed the rest."

Peter walked towards me and eyed me.

"Even though I'm giving you the rest day off training your still going to be helping the lost boys" I raised an eyebrow.

"How?" Pan flashed me his signature devious smirk.

"Follow me and find out"


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