Buyer and Seller; China x Reader

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"Welcome to the Blue Moon Market! We have all you could ever need! Step right up get all you could ever want here!" It was a bustling market in Hong Kong; where sellers from all over China would come to sell there fun souvenirs and little novelties. There was one seller that stood above all the rest and that was Yao Wang. Yao had always had a passion of selling items that make people happy. His main goal was to  be able to sell something to absolutely anyone. It didn't matter who. "Come on people! Everything is half price today so hurry before everything is gone." He shouted, as three people at his booth was trying to hand money to him. At the very moment, he saw the very thing that would change his fate. She stood there in complete bliss, not knowing where to go first. Yao's heartbeat increased rapidly. What was he feeling just now? He knew he was staring, but she was there right before his eyes. When the other shoppers deceased from the table, the girl came up and looked at all the little trinkets Yao had to offer. For a moment, Yao couldn't find the right words. He knew he had to speak. Even if it was only a welcome, but he was at loss for words.

"W-Welcome to my stand! Please choose something you would like. I never came across a customer who didn't buy something from my stand." Yao proudly stated as the girl looked at all the things on the table. The girl picked up a blue-green scarf with a pink embroidery. Yao jumped at the moment.

"Oh, I see you like the scarf. I got it imported from Japan, so it is of good value. For such a pretty lady I'll cut the price to only-" Yao was saying, until he was interrupted by the girl. She never said a word, but simply put it back on the table, signalling that she lost interest in the item. She looked at a teapot and stared at the wave design that was lightly painted on the side. Yao leaned down to get a good view of the teapot and the girl across from him.

"This teapot was created in the China countryside by a old potter. Is this a piece you would be interested in?" He asked, however the girl shook her head in disapproval and continued to look at all the souvenirs Yao had to offer. After 5 minutes, she started to walk away from the stand. Yao took action and gently grabbed her sleeve to stop her from leaving. She looked back in surprise to see the very man trying to sell her items. "Why? Why didn't you buy anything?"

"I didn't see anything that really took my eye.  What you have is wonderful, but there was nothing I was interested in buying. I'm sorry." She apologized, before she walked off. Yao felt defeated for more reasons then he could ever comprehend. This was the first customer that ended up not buying anything he had to sell. The next day, Yao didn't even want to sell his things at the market, but he knew he had to. Yao looked around his once spacious apartment, to see piles of boxes. Yao remembered that Kiku had sent him new supplies to sell at the booth. Now he really had to go sell stuff. After hours of selling items to people, Yao saw her again. The very girl that took his pride away, but this time she was walking toward the table of novelties that he thought she didn't like. She glanced and studied every item, but one thing was different today. She was smiling at the items like she enjoyed being at Yao's stand. Alas, she left without buying anything. Yao was devastated! He had to get something she would actually buy! The next day, was a slow day for the market. Not a ton of people came by and bought Yao's items, so he had a good amount to sell. Then and there he saw her walking his way. Once at the booth, she looked at all the items. Yao attempted to sell her something, but to no avail. She was about to leave before Yao spoke.

"Why do you come here everyday?" Even though some people passed the booth while talking, there was long , empty silent. No word was muttered. She turned around and walked toward him. She stopped right in front of him and stared into the surprised man's eyes. Out of no where, she smiled.

"Because I like seeing you everyday of course. See you tomorrow!" She gleefully told, before walking off. Yao couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

China's Secret:

Even toward the people he loves, he still loves money and will do almost anything for profit.

Thanks guys for reading! Sorry for slow updates, but bear with me okay? Happy reading!

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