Cuerno del Toro; Spain x Reader

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"He killed another bull mama! Someday I would like to do that, just like Cuerno del Toro!" (Y/N) exclaimed, as she watched the bull fighter in the ring.

"No my dear, this is not the thing for you. This is a game to test the will and honor of men." Her mother told her.

"Than," She spoke softly, as she looked back at the Cuerno del Toro, "I will become the honorable wife of Cuerno del Toro!" Her mother was surprised, but eased into a gentle smile. (Y/N) and her mother continued to watch the face off between the bull fighter and the bull. He was so graceful, so elegant. Once he killed all 5 bulls, she grabbed the rose in her hair, and threw it at him. Immediately, he caught it and walked out of the ring.


No one knew who Cuerno del Toro was. Many thought he was for Barcelona. Some thought he was from Madrid. However he kept his place of origin and name a secret. All anyone knew was that he was handsome and absolutely stylish. He never murmured his age to anyone. Not even his several lovers. It's said he had a brother, but he never came to tell the tale. A mystery was what that man was. Nothing more, nothing less. Several years passed, and young (Y/N) became a beautiful young woman and still loved to see the bull fights. Even though she grew and started travelling the world, she wanted to be in her home town. After a couple of years, she had come back to her little home. When she rolled up her suitcases into her home, someone pounced on her.

"Oh, (Y/N)! My beautiful daughter! You are back in my own hands! I was so worried!!" Her mother exclaimed. (Y/N) turned around and hugged her mama.

"Mama, I missed you to! How is papa?" (Y/N) asked.

"Oh, he is just wonderful. He is really enjoying gardening and selling his tomatoes, though he has been a little uneasy ever since you left for that loco trip." Her mama told as a small, worried smile graced the older woman's features.

"Can I see him?" (Y/N) smiled.

"Of course my dearest! Come inside!" Her mother happily welcomed. The night was calm and quiet. Nothing was out of the ordinary. (Y/N) was happy she was home once more, though half way through the night, her father asked what she was going to do with the rest of her life. She didn't really want to travel such long distances anymore, but sh didn't know what to do with herself either. What was she going to do with the rest of her life?! (Y/N) didn't answer her father that night. She went to sleep wondering what she was going to do with her life. The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to the smell of eggs and toast. She got ready for the day, and walked out to greet her mother and her father. 

"Good morning sweetheart! Would you like an omelette, or some toast?" Her mother asked.

"Some toast is fine, thank you." (Y/N) answered, as she sat across from her father. The man in question, was reading the daily paper, not looking at his daughter.

"Hm, Cuerno del Toro Jr. is at it again today." Her father stated, as he turned to another page of his newspaper.

"Wait? Cuerno del Toro Jr.?" (Y/N) inquired.

"Yes sweetheart! After Cuerno del Toro retired, no one went to the bullfighting matches. However, a little while ago, Cuerno del Toro Jr. came to become just as good as his successor." Her mother explained, as she set her daughter's plate down in front of her, "I remember when you first saw Cuerno del Toro's bullfighting. You just fell in love with the man. If I recall correctly, you wanted to marry him." Her mother teased.

"Mama! I told you not to bring that up again! You know it was embarrassing." (Y/N) exclaimed, with tints of red on her cheeks.

"You know I was only teasing. Would you like to go to his match today?" She asked.

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