Chapter 1

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warning: throwing up

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warning: throwing up

It had been a long day.

After five hours of schedules and practices, all the members were about to drop. Jin especially.

It was uncharacteristic of him, but nowadays, he found himself to be more tired after practice. He was known as one of the most athletic members of the group and now, he felt himself struggling to do a few push-ups. He got out of breath easily. It was a bit worrying. Most of the time, he figured it was probably exhaustion. Maybe he couldn't handle so much moving around, Jungkook sometimes teased.

But sometimes, he found himself starting to worry about his health. Was he okay? He got sick quite often now. He couldn't count the number of times that he had gotten the flu in the past three months. He usually didn't get sick that often...

The others told him to go get a doctor's appointment but with all their busy lives, it had never been scheduled. Jimin was the most concerned about him. He was convinced Jin probably had asthma, since Jimin had it and knew what the symptoms were like. It didn't explain lots of things, Jin wanted to tell him, he wasn't all that sick.

But today, things had worsened. Ever since waking up, he felt tired, like tired to the point where he felt like laying down on the floor. Jin felt like he was going to be sick any minute, his mouth was dry, and his stomach hurt. He hadn't managed to have any lunch because he had felt so nauseous. He drifted throughout the entire day, counting down the hours until he could go home.

"Can we watch something? And eat?" Jungkook asked. He dramatically flopped down onto the couch.

"Why don't we just go to sleep? Forget eating and just sleep- "

"Watch, watch, watch!" Hoseok yelled. A burst of sudden energy came into him and he tumbled onto the couch to sit beside Jungkook.

"Fine, but no food," Namjoon said.

"Fine." Jungkook nodded. "I want to pick the movie."

"Of course, you do..." Yoongi grumbled. He sat down near the edge, snuggling against Hoseok's warm body. There was no guarantee that he was going to stay awake for much longer.

With Jimin and Namjoon taking up the last spots beside to Jungkook, Jin and Taehyung were forced to sit on the floor at the others' feet. Normally, Jin wouldn't have minded, but today, he immediately dreaded the idea of sitting anywhere that wasn't comfortable.

He slumped down on the floor. He wanted to lay down in Taehyung's lap, but he had to control himself. The movie that had started playing was boring. It might have been one of his favourite movies at one point but now it was just reduced to moving blobs of colour on the screen. Leaning back, Jin's head pressed into Yoongi's leg, awaking him.

"Hyung, what are you..." the rapper mumbled in annoyance. "There is so much room down there, I'm trying to sleep..."

"Shut up! There is a movie playing!" Jimin said.

Jin hadn't had any lunch. He wrapped his arms around his midsection and willed himself not to throw up.

Maybe he should've had something. Maybe he wouldn't feel so exhausted then.

Yoongi had kicked his head away from his leg. All of a sudden, he felt sick. If he didn't run to the bathroom, he would be sick all over himself.

His legs were shaking when he stood up. Taehyung glanced up at him. His eyes flashed with worry, but Jin didn't have enough time to decipher his expression. With unsteady steps, he stumbled towards the bathroom and collapsed in front of the toilet.

"What happened to Jin hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"He wasn't looking good the whole day... is he alright?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi blinked. "What? Is he throwing up or something?"

"Should I go check?" Jimin stood up.

"Yeah, just make sure he's alright," Namjoon said.


Knocking on the door, Jimin mumbled slowly, "Hyung, are you alright? What's going on?"

He could hear Jin throwing up inside. Uh oh.

"Do you need help hyung?"

There was no reply. Jin couldn't reply, Jimin realized.

He didn't want to invade Jin's privacy so he didn't go inside immediately. He waited for the next five-ish minutes, his concern growing exponentially by the minute.

But after a while, he couldn't hold back his worry anymore. The door wasn't locked; Jin had forgotten to lock it in his haste.

Jin was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. His legs were crossed in front of him. His eyes were open and he was blinking, but he was breathing heavily. He was out of breath.


Jimin crouched down beside him, putting his hand on his shoulder. Jin's shirt was sweaty.

"Do you feel a bit better now?"

"I... uh, yeah, yeah, I guess..."

Jimin nodded. "Are you tired?"


"Do you want to go lay down on the couch? I can tell the others to move."

"That would be great, thanks," Jin said.

"Is everything okay?"

Jimin looked up to see Yoongi standing in the doorway. He looked a bit shocked to see Jin on the floor but his face relaxed when Jin managed to force a smile in his direction.

"The others are thinking that you died."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "You think you're so funny, don't you?"

"Yeah, I really am." Yoongi grinned for a second but then his face got serious. "Did you eat something bad Jin hyung?"

Jin tried to think. What would be a good lie to tell Yoongi?

"What did you have for lunch?"

"Nothing," Jin said. "I wasn't hungry."

"So, you just skipped? No wonder you were so tired today. I should make you something to eat."

"No, really Yoongi. I was tired from before. I can't eat anything. I really don't feel good today..."

Jimin glanced back at him. "You should take some time off hyung."

Before Jin could protest, Yoongi agreed. "Yeah, that's good." He took one more good look at Jin. "Can you eat a granola bar hyung? You shouldn't go to bed like this."

Jin sighed. "Okay."

Jimin slapped a hand on his forehead before he could stand up. "You are a bit feverish. Did you catch another flu?"

Yoongi shook his head. "You should go get an appointment. You're getting sick too often, it's starting to worry me."

"I'm fine." Jin shook off Jimin's hand and got to his feet. "Just a granola bar, thank you."

Yoongi agreed.


After Jin managed to eat the granola bar with no problems, Yoongi and Jimin felt their worries fade slightly.

Jin is fine. Getting some rest will make him as good as new.

If only they knew how wrong they were.


1133 words

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