Chapter 15

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warning: throwing up

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warning: throwing up

He was so weak now. He needed help from the nurses to sit up when they brought meals in. Jin swore, food had never looked that unappealing. He couldn't bring himself to eat half of it. It didn't help that for most of the time, he laid back against his bed and tried to not throw up. This constant effort was driving him crazy.

The worst thing was that he wasn't even hungry anymore. Even if he skipped all the meals in a day, he wouldn't be the slightest bit aware. He was already so tired that it didn't matter.


Jin did not want the others to see him like this. But there Taehyung was, watching him cough and throw up all over his bedsheets and calling a nurse for him. He knew they were going to come one day. He knew they would. But it was embarrassing and he didn't like it.

Taehyung kept saying that everything was okay, but nothing was and Jin didn't know how to make him understand that. He had no energy to either.


After nearly a week, Jin finally saw himself in a mirror again. He nearly gasped. He had clearly lost weight. His eyes were dull and lifeless. And there were bald patches in his hair. He truly did look sick now, which was more disheartening than any news that he had gotten.

He comforted himself with the fact that he had actually managed to take a shower today by himself, which was a huge accomplishment. He had had to cling onto the safety bar to keep himself upright. Jin's knees were weak and wobbly. He had had to have a nurse help him out though.

Fucking embarrassing.


That shower would be the last time Jin managed to get up for a while. That random burst of energy disappeared as suddenly as it had come. He went right back to throwing everything up and being unable to sit up.

Nobody said anything, but he could sense the subtle feelings of panic coming from the doctors and nurses. Something was seriously wrong and they couldn't figure out what it was. More of Jin's blood was taken. They were planning on doing more bone marrow tests? Maybe even a spinal tap. Oh yes, they were planning on pulling out all the bad boys for this one. His skin tingled just thinking about it.

But really, most of the time he was too tired to think.

It was a rare luxury.


He was told to roll over in his bed. His head was pounding. Someone grabbed his arm and did it for him. Jin groaned.

"Stay still."

Jin groaned again. He was sweating all over. His hospital gown was soaked. And above all, he was freezing cold. He tried to curl into a ball, but someone put a hand on his back.

"Should we do it now?"

"Mmhm... there is no other option..."

Someone put a towel on his back and tried to wipe some of the sweat away. The towel was kind of warm, and he tried to slip closer to it, but it was taken away as quickly as it had come. The back of his hospital gown was opened up. Jin shivered.

A nurse came up to his front and touched his forehead.

"He doesn't have a fever," he heard her say loud and clear.

Fever, he thought. Wheee, his mind supplied.

"How are you feeling?"

Jin groaned in response. Before he could get any words out, he felt a stabbing pain in his back. He tried to move away, but someone was already holding him tightly to prevent him from moving away. He felt something pressing into his back. It wasn't painful, so he relaxed.

His mind wandered. Yet, he couldn't focus on anything so he just drifted from point to point.

About an hour after, he was sat up again. A blood pressure cuff was attached to his arm. Jin felt like throwing up. It squeezed his arm tightly. He gagged. Someone handed him a plastic bag and he coughed into it.

The world was turning into a messy painting around him. He fell against the side of his bed again.



He awoke to a doctor standing over him. Jin blinked awake. His mind felt a lot clearer now, though the headache was much stronger. He winced.

"How are you feeling?"

"Not great," he mumbled. Jin noticed worriedly that his heart was beating quickly. It felt like there was a butterfly inside his ribcage trying to escape. It was beating its wings hard against his ribs.

"We're going to do another complete blood count okay?"

Hadn't they done that a week ago? Jin sighed. This was getting exhausting.

"When is it going to be?" he asked instead, tiredly.

"By tonight, I hope," he said. "You'll get your dinner a little bit later than usual, because we don't want any of your levels to be affected."

Jin nodded.

The doctor patted his arm before he left.

It was going to be a long night.


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