Chapter 2

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He was fine for a bit

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He was fine for a bit. Jin managed to go to bed and sleep for the first few hours quite peacefully.

But then, something worsened. He sat up, shaking and shaking. His knees were throbbing painfully and he couldn't fucking breathe. It took thrice as much energy as it normally did for him to get any oxygen. He didn't feel like he needed to throw up again, but this was much, much worse. Jin felt like the walls were closing in on his lethargic self.

He was so exhausted.

He laid in his bed for a while longer before his common sense took over. He was feeling too sick. He needed to go tell somebody.


Taehyung's room was just across the hallway from his. Jin stumbled to his feet, his hands automatically connecting with the wall to give himself some support. Maybe he was getting feverish again. Jimin was right. He really did need to go and get a check-up.

Taehyung's door was unlocked. Jin staggered inside, shutting it behind him. He could hear Taehyung sleeping soundly on his bed. He shouldn't wake him up, should he?

But his legs were about to give out. Jin could barely walk.


A loud snore answered him.

Jin struggled to his bedside.

"Taehyung, Tae...hyung, wake up!"

He shook Taehyung roughly. His legs swayed. What in the world was wrong with him?

"Huh?" Taehyung stirred. He stretched his arms above his head, letting out a sleepy groan. He was about to go back to sleep, but he heard a soft thump right beside his bed. Taehyung shook his head. He sat up, ignoring his body's cries to fall back into the covers.

"Hyung?" He let out a little gasp when he saw Jin's collapsed body next to his bed. "Jin hyung, did you fall?"

Taehyung stepped carefully over Jin and crouched by his side. Jin's eyes were open and he was blinking; he was awake. Taehyung put his hand on Jin's shoulder and tried to shake him.

"Hyung, what's going on?"

Jin blinked up at him. His gaze was a bit unfocused and glassy. His forehead was hot; he had a fever again.

Taehyung slid his hands underneath Jin's body, lifting him up carefully. Jin crumpled into his grip, becoming almost fragile and small. He had definitely lost weight. Taehyung put him on top of the bed. Jin curled up into the fetal position, shivering violently to retain heat. He gasped quietly. It was still so hard to get air. Taehyung settled next to him. He pulled the blanket over the two of them and hugged Jin tightly.

"Hyung, are you okay?"

Jin groaned incoherently but didn't say anything else.

Taehyung sighed. He held Jin a little closer and drifted off to sleep.


Taehyung was sleeping so soundly. Jin didn't want to disturb him. He was stuck in Taehyung's death embrace and it was really affecting his already shaky ability to breathe. Plus, there was something wet coming out of his nose. Jin tried to keep his lips shut. He didn't want snot getting into his mouth.

The shivering had ceased for now. Now he felt stuffy and overheated. The entire world was on top of him, he could hardly move. His knees were still bothering him...

This was going to be a long night.


"Hyung, he's bleeding!" Taehyung's voice was so loud. It amplified Jin's headache, providing even more discomfort to him. The lights overhead were so bright. Everything hurt.

Suddenly, he was being sat up and somebody was holding him upright. Yoongi was in front of him, holding a tissue to his nose.

"It's just a nosebleed Taehyung, calm down," Yoongi said.

"I thought he was throwing up blood. I was scared."

"Yeah, I get that." Yoongi sat down in front of Jin, grabbing onto his shoulders gently. "Hyung, are you feeling any better from last night?"

Jin shook his head, which only succeeded in making his nose throb. He couldn't hear himself think; everything was so foggy. He must've started crying at some point because Taehyung was suddenly giving him a back hug and trying to comfort him.

Yoongi just looked more concerned than ever.

"I'm really not feeling well..." Jin managed to mumble out after a while. His voice was scratchy. The constant feeling of exhaustion weighed down heavily on his chest. "Please, just somehow make this feeling go away..." he whined. Jin couldn't stop fidgeting; he was so uncomfortable. Laying down wasn't helping him, neither was sitting upright. If he stood up, he was collapsing.

Yoongi's attention was caught. He glanced worriedly at Jin, biting his lip.

"Can you explain what's going on hyung? Or else... I'm going to call an ambulance."

"Ambulance?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, I feel like something is going on." Yoongi looked back at the eldest. "Hyung, what exactly is happening? Do you feel like you're going to be sick again or something?"

Jin shook his head. More tears spilled out of his eyes. He just wanted relief. Yoongi caught his trembling body and tried to hold him steady.

"Hey, Taehyung?"

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah."

"Go get the car ready. We're taking him to the hospital."


876 words

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