Chemo Starts

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The first day of chemotherapy was monumental for Jin in many ways

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The first day of chemotherapy was monumental for Jin in many ways.

He got up in the morning, tired as usual. The appointment was at ten. He expected the others to go to practice and let him be, but Jimin insisted on coming along.

"You'll be bored there," he said and Jin couldn't really argue.

Yoongi looked worried. He kept biting his lip and telling Jin that if anything happened he could just call.

It was weird seeing them get so protective and concerned over him. It was usually the other way around. Jin was usually caring for them. Over the course of the next year, he would really have to learn how to let himself be vulnerable.


Jimin was right. It was really boring.

After Jin met with his doctor, he was taken into a room. There were a few other people in there as well. It was a bit uncomfortable for Jin to be that close with random strangers, but Jimin helped keep him distracted. Jin was hooked up to an IV and forced to lie down on a bed. There was an ancient TV hanging down from the ceiling and some old cartoon was playing. Jimin and Jin watched it for a while, but it got monotonous after a while.

"There have been so many new updates on my phone recently," Jimin said after a while.

"Your phone is evolving."

"Ha... yeah, I guess so." Jimin shrugged. "One thing that I want them to change is... uh... I wish my phone had a better battery life."

"Why?" Jin asked.

"Look, I use my phone for five minutes and it goes from eighty percent to like forty-three-"

"Oof to-"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Oof is right. I can't even do anything on it."

"Why can't you just get a new phone?" Jin asked. "If this one is bothering you that much."

"Too much work."

Jimin started laughing when Jin grinned.

"It takes like ten minutes to change Jimin, I don't know-"

"Nah... too much work, I said what I have to say." Jimin leaned forward, grabbing Jin's hand absentmindedly and stroking it. "We all know I have issues with technology."

"Thankfully, you're not having to do online classes with any students right now. Now that is-"

"Hell on earth for someone like me, I know," Jimin said.

Jin laughed. "I wouldn't want you as my teacher."

"I wouldn't want you as my student either."

Jimin shook his head while he patted Jin's arm. "You're so mean."

"I know right."

Jin and Jimin talked together for the rest of that hour. The conversation calmed down and got into mundane things as Jin gradually got drowsier. He had this condition where if he laid down somewhere for too long, he started to get tired. Jimin was careful to stay quiet when Jin started to fall asleep. Jimin sank backwards into the chair and took out his phone.

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