7th Element

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Jin groaned. A cool hand was slapped to his forehead. Namjoon.

"He has a fever!"

His voice was so loud. Jin felt like a librarian. He wanted to tell Namjoon to use his inside voice.

The blankets weren't on his body. It was probably past eleven in the morning now, but Jin hadn't gotten out of his bed. He had no energy to. His shirt was soaked with sweat, his hair was wet, and the old lethargy was back. It was clinging to his bones, leaving him too exhausted to move.

Taehyung burst into the room. He stalked closer to Jin's side. Jin huffed. He closed his eyes. Everything around him was hurting his eyes. The cool bliss of sleep started tempting him again. Like the sinner he was, he let himself be taken away. Namjoon tapped his arm repeatedly. Taehyung said his name. Jin would've responded if he could. They sounded terrified.


"Should we call an ambulance? His fever isn't going down," Jungkook whispered. He stroked Jin's face. He was fast asleep, his mouth slightly parted. His forehead was a furnace, making his cheeks a flushed mess. Every once in a while, Jin sniffled. He had a cold again.


"Jin hyung?"

Jimin tried to wake Jin up in an effort to get some coherent words out of him. Jin only groaned loudly. He didn't react otherwise.

"What's his temperature?"

Yoongi grabbed the thermometer. "I'll check. Sit him up."

Jimin started shaking Jin again. He didn't open his eyes and Jimin gave up. He sat Jin up, laying him in his lap.

Yoongi set the thermometer into Jin's mouth carefully. It beeped after a while.


"Holy shit," Jungkook said.

"Language," Jimin said.

"Holy wow wow."

Yoongi didn't crack a smile. He leaned towards Jin, trying to ruffle his hair. Jin's eyes opened slightly, taking in the bright lights of the room.

"Hyung? How are you feeling?" Jimin asked.

Jin frowned at him, not fully understanding what was going on. He felt uncomfortably hot and Jimin's tight grip wasn't helping. He tried to move away, but his limbs and body were too weak. His nose was dripping, his head was hurting, his eyes were closing; all in all, he felt awful.

"Seokjin hyung," Yoongi said. "Hyung, how..."

"Take him to the hospital now," Jungkook said. "He's delirious."

Jimin nodded. "Yoongi, talking to him won't do anything. He's going to get worse."

"Call an ambulance," Jungkook said. "Now. Please."

Jin groaned. He smacked his lips loudly. His eyes were half-open, but they were rolled back. Only the whites of his eyes were visible. Yoongi grimaced.

"Yeah, okay," he said. "Jimin, let go of him. I think... I think-"

Jimin automatically pulled Jin off his lap and placed him back on his pillow. Jin didn't react. Droplets of sweat ran down his forehead and he kept smacking his lips for a few more moments. He seemed to settle down after that. His breathing was still fast and uneven, but he didn't move otherwise.

"Jin hyung?"

Yoongi got up to make the phone call. He was back within a few moments.

"They're going to be here soon."


"Another infection?"

Hoseok sighed.

"It's more dangerous now to have one, right?"


Jimin thanked the doctor and settled down beside Hoseok. "What do you think is going on?"

"I thought you heard. He has another infection."

Jimin frowned. "I did hear all right. I was just asking you if you had an input to anything that you just heard."

"I don't."

"Very well then."

Jungkook glanced uneasily over at the two.

"Stop fighting," Taehyung said.

"We're not fighting," Jimin said. "Just-"

"Cut it out."

"I'm not doing anything," Hoseok said. "Stop accusing me of starting fights."

"I didn't accuse anybody, I was just saying," Taehyung said. "I don't need to know who started it. I'm just saying, maybe now is not the time to yell at each other."

"I'm not yelling though...?" Hoseok asked.

Jimin shook his head. He tried to ignore the others. His mind was spinning a mile a minute, he didn't have time to focus on the others fighting, or, well, having a disagreement.

Jungkook wasn't even looking at the two. He was staring off into space thinking about something else, trying to act like he didn't know Hoseok or Taehyung.

"Hoseok hyung, I was just saying-"

"Why are you accusing me? I didn't do anything!"

"I'm not accusing you. I'm just saying that..." Taehyung gave up and sighed. Hoseok glared at him.

"Both of you. Stop," Jimin said.

"For the last time, I wasn't doing anything!"

"People are looking at us, please stop yelling," Jungkook said. "I don't want our faces stamped on yet another gossip article online."

That shut Hoseok up. He didn't say a single word after that. Instead, he simply got up and left.

Taehyung gaped at his retreating back. Hoseok had always had a bit of a temper but storming away like this was a first. He started to feel a bit guilty.

"What?" Jimin asked. "Uh oh."

"Hopefully, he won't end up in any trouble," Jungkook said. "You have to apologize to him later, Taehyung."

"I didn't do-"


Jimin got to his feet, silencing the others. "No, I'm not going anywhere," he clarified. "I'm just going to ask somebody where and how Jin hyung is. Then I'm going to let Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung know what happened."

Taehyung nodded. "Okay."


910 words

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