Chapter 17

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His senses were slowly starting to return

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His senses were slowly starting to return. But as the world slowly came back into focus, he could feel things more clearly. Jin could feel every inch of pain flooding his body. When the nurse brought him his food, it would take him ages to eat it. If he ate too quickly, he would feel sick. Taking frequent breaks was key.

Even then, he would have to close his eyes later so he could quell the pain his body would put him through. He had never that great of a pain tolerance anyway.

Most of the time, he would be cold. He begged the nurses and doctors to get him some more blankets. They had obliged and given him one. It wasn't much, but it was something.


He was starting to shiver again. The blanket was thrown on top of him. It wasn't enough. Jin shut his eyes. He knew it was whatever he had that was causing this chill. In reality, there were no cold winds cutting through the room. Oh, but who would let his limbs knew that? He tried to curl up, as much as he could, but his legs were stiff from not moving.

He sighed. His chest felt heavy. The meal earlier had not been good. Filled with potatoes and peas, all the things that he didn't like. Worst of all, it made him feel sick.

He wasn't going to throw up today. He had no intention of rubbing his throat dry and raw. Jin figured that if he did throw up today, he would collapse right into it. One jolt and his body would give up.

He wanted to think more. Maybe even pull out his phone and watch something. It was right next to him on the table but he couldn't do it. He was too tired to focus. Maybe if he tried to sleep, everything would be okay.

Like he always told himself.


There was light drifting through the room. Jin blinked. His nap hadn't provided as much relief as he had thought it would, but he was feeling slightly more comfortable now. He sighed.

For once, he got to take a look around his room. When he had first woken up, the room was very cramped and there were machines everywhere. There were also doctors and nurses surrounding him at every moment. There was still a lot of supervision, but not as much. His room was a bit bigger.

There were just as many machines though. A bunch of lines were attached to his wrist. He didn't try to think what was going through them.


Jungkook stepped through the words marked "ICU" carefully. Back when Jin had been rushed into emergency, they hadn't been allowed to visit. But a few days had passed, and thankfully, things had been going well. Jin was starting to gain consciousness again. It was easier for him for him to breathe.

But his situation was still dire enough to be in the intensive care unit, so Jungkook was still losing sleep over worry. Jin was still exhausted beyond words. Oh, what he would do just to get rid of that for him.

His parents had been blowing up his phone asking for news about their son. Jin had specifically asked them not to say too much to his parents - lest they worry - so the members had tried to be discreet about it. Nevertheless, they had told them about how Jin had plummeted recently. They also heard the worry in their voices. It was real.

Jungkook shivered.

He had to wear a mask and a shield in the damn room, in case Jin got some kind of an infection.


Jin looked both the same as he always did and very different at the same time somehow. He was awake and he recognized Jungkook, but he was too tired to talk. A blanket was messily thrown around him. He had clearly lost weight, and the effects of it was obvious. His face was sunken in. His hair had also thinned out.

But for whatever reason, Jungkook's worries were put to ease when he saw Jin again.

"How are you?"

"Mm... good." Jin smiled weakly.

Jungkook grinned back. He patted Jin's hand.

"Do you know when you're going to be out of here?"

"Don't know," Jin said.

"I don't know either, soon I hope though," Jungkook said. "You're starting to look better."

Jin smiled. "I always look good."


old note:

Hey guys
Hope you enjoyed this!!!!

Happy belated birthday agust d

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