Chapter 14

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warning: throwing up

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warning: throwing up

Jin's situation did not improve. A few hours, he was admitted and he was taken into a ward. The blood test had not yielded positive results. He wanted to know what exactly was wrong, but he was so tired that he didn't understand any of the nurse's explanations.

The nausea did not subside. Though he was given medication to help ease it, he kept twisting and turning in his bed all night because of it. He fell asleep near dawn in sheer exhaustion.


He couldn't eat. He was throwing up. He couldn't stop.


Hoseok had hoped that everything would be like last time. Jin would get a little sick, they would all panic, then he would be fine. But something was even more wrong this time, he quickly realized. Jin couldn't keep anything down and he was constantly heaving and coughing. He couldn't eat.

Hoseok didn't want to worry, but that was all he did, all day long. He wasn't allowed to see Jin as often as he liked. It bothered him. He could stand at the side and hope.


The lights were too bright. Jin swallowed harshly. He kept trying to breathe evenly, but he was in so much discomfort that it was difficult.

"How are you feeling right now?" A nurse asked.

"Awful," he said.

"Can you describe what's going on?"

"Everything hurts."

"Ah." He heard her sigh. He hated giving people such vague answers.

He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. Inside, he could feel the urge to throw up getting stronger. He hadn't even had anything to eat. Jin pushed himself forward. The nurse must've sensed what was about to happen, because before he even knew what was going on, there was a plastic bag beneath his mouth.

The only thing he managed to get out was a bit of water. The rest of the time, he coughed and gagged. His throat burned. The nurse awkwardly patted his back a few times. Jin flopped back into his bed after he finished. Loud exhales came from his nose.

The nurse wiped his mouth with a tissue and left again. Jin winced. This wasn't going to end anytime soon.

He hoped none of the others saw him like this.


"Seokjin, it's me. Are you awake?"

It felt like a few minutes had passed since he was last awake, but a whole day has passed in between. In front of him was his mom. When he blearily blinked his eyes open, she grabbed his hand.

"How are you feeling?"

Jin hummed. He looked into her eyes, as if to tell her that he was doing fine. Hopefully he wouldn't throw up in front of her.

"Okay," he mumbled.



Jin closed his eyes again. His mom wasn't much of a talker. He could feel her silent worry pressing against him though. It made him feel bad - he was making everybody worry, but he felt so miserable that he couldn't provide any comfort.

"They were telling me that you're having a hard time keeping things down."

Jin blinked.

"Kind of. Don't worry about it," he said.

His mom sighed. "You know I worry. I can't seem to stop."

"mmm... going to be fine..." He took a deep breath, he was starting to feel sick again.

Thankfully, his mom didn't try to start any more conversations. Jin kept swallowing and praying that he didn't throw up, all the while keeping his eyes shut. After a while, he drifted off.

He woke up half an hour later when it was time for his mom to go.

She leaned over, kissed his forehead, and said, "I'll be coming as often as I can. I'll bring Seokjung as well."

If she caught the look on terror on Jin's face, she didn't say anything.


Did Seokjung come soon after that? Did the members visit? Jin wasn't sure. Because all he knew was that he took a turn for the worse after that day.

His hair started falling out in bunches. He would wake up in the middle of the night to see his pillow covered with stray and fallen hairs. The nosebleeds returned. And the throwing up continued, just like usual.

He hadn't gotten this feeling ever before, but now he honestly felt like he was dying.



Thank you guys!!!!

edit: thank you guys

715 words

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