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That blood test seemed to set off almost a feverish frenzy from the staff

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That blood test seemed to set off almost a feverish frenzy from the staff. When his results finally came back, they knew exactly what problems he was having.

But by then, it wasn't a simple little problem anymore.


In the middle of the night, he couldn't breathe. Everything seemed to have closed up. He was freezing too. He tugged on his light little sheet, but it was too flimsy and his arms were too weak.

His breathing was ragged. He gasped and choked along. Jin tried to make sense of where he was. The walls, the clock, everything seemed familiar, but his chest, his chest was too painful for him to think clearly.

He crumpled further into his bed. His eyes felt sticky. It would be better if he could just sleep. Everything would be okay then. The doctor did say that he needed his rest, that must be it.


When a nurse finally got around to his bed during the night rounds, Jin was long passed out. His lips were pale purple. His choking sounds were audible. His body was cold, and he was shivering, even though the room temperature was normal.

Immediately, he was rushed down into emergency.


He was hooked up onto an IV. Jin's chest cleared up after they put him on oxygen, but the shivering and shaking didn't. They put a blanket around him. But by now, they knew what was wrong with him. Through a second IV channel, he was given thyroid medication so everything would balance out. If he was having this severe of an attack, he wouldn't be able to take things by mouth.

His vital signs were constantly being monitored. This would take weeks to resolve.


His electrolyte levels were all over the place. So many things were getting pumped into his body in an effort to stop his heart from racing and his breathing to get less laboured. His face was swollen.

It was weird.

Jungkook got a call from the hospital in the early morning, but he wasn't allowed to visit. They promised that if anything serious did happen, they would be sure to let him know. But all that policy did was make him worry. He hadn't understood the big words the doctors had used when they talked about Jin's condition. Jungkook tried to search them up. Everything sounded worrying.

Jin was in some sort of a coma, that's what he understood. It wasn't like an actual, full-on coma, but he was unconscious and not responding. His pulse was above 100 bpm.

Things weren't looking well.


Jungkook woke him up in the early morning to tell him about the phone call. Jimin felt his world slow down and still around him. He knew that Jin had been sick, heck he had seen him at the hospital a couple times, but this was different.

A dark heavy raincloud formed above his head. He felt sick to his stomach. Jimin logically knew that Jin was probably going to make it out alive, but that didn't stop him from thinking up the worst endings.

What the hell was the coma all about? Did that mean Jin was never going to wake up again?


The world was hazy around him when he finally opened his eyes. Jin blinked. He felt numb. He couldn't move.

Sliding his eyes down to see, he found himself in a different room. This one wasn't as peaceful as the old one. There were machines all around him and he could hear loud beeping from somewhere beside him. He tried to turn in that direction - maybe it would make it stop - but he was too tired.

A chilly wind blew through the room. Jin huddled into the thin blanket. If his arms weren't secured out, he would've wrapped them around himself. The wind hitting his bare wrists felt like torture.

His bones themselves seemed to be shaking.

Jin gasped. He wished he could have a bit of water. If there was a button to call a nurse, he didn't see it.

Eventually, he resigned himself to the bed. Maybe if he fell asleep again, the numb feeling would go away.


"Why aren't they calling?" Jimin asked. He worriedly glanced at Jungkook. "They said that they would call again, right?"

"They said if anything bad happened."

"As if that's good enough," Hoseok said. He frowned.

The day had passed as a hazy day. Hoseok was having trouble that what was happening was reality. He felt like he was dreaming for whatever reason. This couldn't be happening, he was sure.

"I'm sure he'll be okay," Namjoon said. "Trust me."

Hoseok had never seen him look that worried though. It only made him get more jittery.


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