Chapter 12

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warning: throwing up

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warning: throwing up


Often, Jin wondered what it was like to be a fan. He wondered how he would feel if one of his favourite singers said that they were sick and wouldn't be able to be in the spotlight for a while, in order to focus on their health. There was no question about it.

He would certainly get worried, but there would also be a sliver of disappointment, knowing that no new content was heading his way. The worry would be much stronger, but everything would be such a confusing mash of feelings that he wouldn't be able to feel properly for a few days.

Caring about people that you didn't know personally was confusing.

He sat in his chair, wondering about all these things. He knew that he would have to make the news public one day. And as much as he wanted things to be over quickly, he felt like everybody deserved a fair statement from his part. He wouldn't let the agency only post a tweet and be done with it. That seemed too throw-away. Even though it would be harder, he would rather say it himself in a press conference or in a livestream.

Jin sighed. He twirled a pen in his hands. Everything was so complicated.

But he would have to go ahead with this, otherwise he would feel bad.


"Stop making me do this."

"Oh, be quiet," Yoongi snapped. "Just reach up and get me those paper towel rolls."

Namjoon sighed. "Just because I'm tall? I told you my knee hurts."

"Oh, come on."

Namjoon shook his head, but he stood up on his tippy toes. The top of the cupboard was easy to reach for him now. He easily grabbed the thing that Yoongi couldn't wait to get in his hands - the paper towels.

"You're so annoying Yoongi," he said after he was standing properly again.

"Excuse me, I need paper towels to clean up the mess that you made and you're trying to lecture me?"

Yoongi huffed and walked away. Namjoon sighed and scratched the back of his head. Okay, maybe spilling the sauce was his fault, but it was also Yoongi's fault that he was too lazy to go get a chair and get the paper towels himself.

"I'm sorry hyung!" he called. "I didn't mean to..."

"What happened?" Jin came into the pantry, his hands empty. "I heard people yelling."

"Nothing." Namjoon shook his head. "I'm just getting attacked from all sides."

Jin raised an eyebrow.

"I need help," he said after a while. "I know I need to make some kind of a statement, but I don't know what exactly to say. I know that the agency is probably going to say something, but I also want to address the whole issue myself. What do you think?"

Namjoon listened to everything with wide eyes and a surprised expresssion. After a long beat of silence, he finally nodded.

"It's up to you honestly, hyung. I think it's a good idea."

"Okay, can you help me with writing it?"

Namjoon nodded again.

Jin sighed. He looked at the mess in the kitchen, but didn't bother making a comment. He only sighed heavily. Namjoon would know what to say. Namjoon was good with his words.

"You're sure you want to do this, hyung?"



By the end of the evening, he had gotten a neat little message ready to go. The agency hadn't gotten anything out yet. Jin didn't want to wait for them to say anything first, it would be a major shock to the fans. Yet, he didn't want to put scary information out...

He decided to post it anyway.

Hi everyone,

This is BTS's Jin. Recently, I have gone through something that I feel I'm ready to share with you.

A few weeks ago, I decided to address a nagging feeling of tiredness that has been bothering me for the past few months. It took a lot of time, but eventually, I was diagnosed with leukemia. It was a big shock to me and to all my loved ones, but do not worry, I am doing well. My treatment is going well and everything is okay.

I will try my best to release content whenever I can, but please understand if I'm not able to participate in certain events.

Once again, please do not worry. I am doing well.

BTS, fighting!

I love you all.

He closed his laptop right after. He knew that there would be news articles about this soon and there would be people asking more questions than he could answer, but for now, he was thankful that he was able to get it out.

From now on, he would have to be very careful.


The weeks started blending together again. Often times, he felt quite normal. Sometimes, he felt so tired that he couldn't get out of bed. But the chemotheraphy continued just like usual.

Once every three weeks, he would head over to the hospital and get hooked onto the IV. He would stay there for a few hours, and come back. The next day, he would throw up a few times and feel sick, but otherwise he was fine.

He was exhausted though.



Jimin was shaking him. Jin groaned.

"You good?"


"Come on." Jimin shook his shoulder. "Dinner's ready."

Jin groaned again and slowly sat up. His stomach grumbled. He really was hungry, even if he didn't feel like it. Hoseok had probably cooked something good.


He woke up in the middle of the night. That familiar feeling of exhaustion was churning through his body. Jin lay in bed, also feeling like he was going to throw up. He swallowed everything back.

Closing his eyes tight, he wrapped his arms around his midsection. Everything would be okay. His stomach was starting to hurt though. He chanted reassurances in his head. Everything would be okay.

Eventually, he rolled over in his bed, trying to smother himself in the sheets. The pain in his stomach grew until he could barely handle it anymore. He was going to throw up.

He stumbled up to his feet and ran off to the bathroom. He barely managed to lean over the toilet and throw up. Jin managed to slump over next to the cabinet, his throat burning. He was exhausted.


old note:

A/N: Thank you guys so much for voting, commenting, heck even bothering to click on this trashy book . . .

When will school counselors realize that they're not being helpful but are instead making everything worse?

new note: wow, i wrote this so long ago

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