Chapter 11

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"I'm sorry for what I did

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"I'm sorry for what I did. Really," Hoseok said.

Jungkook hummed. He didn't care much about what Hoseok was saying, it was the middle of the night after all. He wanted his sleep. Pretty soon, he felt someone tumble onto his bed and wrap their arms around his waist. Hoseok.


"Shh... get some rest. You had a long day."

Hoseok's voice wasn't all that slurred anymore. In the middle of the night, when everybody else was asleep, he was alert and wide-awake. Jungkook wanted to think more about it, but he was too tired. He wondered how Jin was doing.

"Actually... Jungkook, how's Jin?"


"Just... tell me how Jin hyung is doing and-and... then you can sleep."

"He... good, yeah," Jungkook mumbled. "Very..."


"... good..."

"Ah." Hoseok fell silent, pulling Jungkook closer towards him.


In more ways than one, Jin hated being in the hospital. He could complain about the lack of privacy or the food, but the thing that bothered him the most was how scared everyone around him got. The members were with him for the majority of the day, even if Jin secretly wanted them to leave. They worried too much, fussed over him to the point until he felt stifled. His parents called him every single day. His mom wanted to come and visit him, but he said no. If his members were bad, his parents would be worse.

Yeah, there were times when he felt particularly awful, and he wished someone were with him. But then he ended up feeling embarrassed or burdensome, and those were never pleasant feelings. He didn't tell the others in the morning about anything that happened during the night. They learned from asking the nurses and guessing for themselves. One night, his fever rose again, and in the morning, he could barely talk properly. Yoongi didn't say much that day, only holding his hand.

Jin did notice something else though. The others seemed to be hesitant to talk around Hoseok. Jungkook was probably the only one who was "normal" around him. Had the others had a fight with Hoseok? Jin wanted to know what had happened, but it didn't feel right to ask questions.

After two weeks, he was finally discharged. His parents again started asking if he wanted them to come and take him to their house, but Jin opted to go to the dorms. Same reason as before.


"Did anything happen between you guys?" Jin asked.

Namjoon deadpanned. "Wha-what...?"

"You guys and Hoseok."

"Oh..." Namjoon sighed. "Don't worry, it was just a small disagreement. I'm not mad at him or anything, it's just... yeah..."

"What? Did something happen?"

Jin frowned. Namjoon twisted his lip, trying to think of a way to explain without making Hoseok look bad.

"Um... he got drunk one day and got into a fight, that's all," he said after a while.

Jin's frown deepened. "And why in the world did he do that?"

"I don't know. He was worried."

"About what?"

"You know, about things in his life. I'm not entirely sure," Namjoon said. He knew what exactly had gone on, but Jin would get upset if he found out. Hopefully, Jin wouldn't be able to connect the dots...

"When did it happen? A few weeks ago? When I was sick?"


"It was because of me, wasn't it?"

Ugh. Seriously, why so smart?

Namjoon nodded. "Yeah."

"Why did he do that?" Jin asked. A twinge of guilt was starting to run through him. Hoseok was one of the most peaceful people he knew. And now he was getting into fights? Just because he was worried about him? What?

"I don't know hyung."

"Did anybody recognize him or...?"

"I don't think so."

Jin sighed in relief, even though he didn't feel completely better about the situation yet. The last thing he needed as Hoseok getting into legal trouble.


"You heard about it, didn't you?" Hoseok asked.

Jin nodded. "I kind of... can't believe that you did something like that. Do you even know-"

"I know!" Hoseok shook his head, nearly smacking his head against the shelf. "I feel bad about it."

"I'm sure you feel bad."

"I do."

There was a small smile on Jin's face. "I'm really glad that you do."

"What do you mean?"


Scrunching his nose, Hoseok turned away from him. The others were off at the studio. Jin was planning on heading in the next day, but today he was tired. He felt bad taking so much time off, he really did. Hoseok had offered to take the day off too. Usually, Jin would've felt bad, but he was thankful that they had a place where they could talk things out peacefully.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way!" Jin yelled playfully.

"I know!" Hoseok said.


With the familiar studio background around him, Jin relaxed. He didn't know how much he had missed this. The past months had been chaotic and filled with worry, but now, now that he was in home territory, he was alright. The heavy headphones on his head lightened the burden on his mind.

He had gotten a few new tracks to work on. There was no rush or pressure for him to get them down right, so he let himself enjoy the process of making songs. Jin made sure to pay attention to everything that went on around him, including the comments of the producer and vocal coaches.

It was a comfort. He had something he could pour all his complicated emotions into. 


sorry for the long wait lol

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