Chapter 3

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Jin was in the hospital for a few days

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Jin was in the hospital for a few days. He did have another flu, much to Yoongi's concern. The other thing that worried all the others was the fact that the doctors had started suspecting that he had something way more serious than just exhaustion and overexertion. The physical exam that Jin had gone through seemed to confirm their fears.

Jin's skin was pale. The doctors said it was anemia. That explained why he was so tired and exhausted all the time. When they did a blood test, the levels of his red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets were abnormal. That was a possible explanation for why he kept getting sick and his nosebleeds. The last thing that Jin had had to undergo was a bone marrow test. He was taken into a hematologist's office and told to lie on his side. He was given local anesthesia to numb the area. Then a needle was inserted into his hip bone to get a sample of his bone marrow. It hurt quite a bit for Jin, but the nurses stopped him from thrashing around by giving him a painkiller or two.

He was told that he would get the results in a few days. So he waited.


"Jin hyung, are you doing any better?"

"Hmm?" Jin lifted his head to see Hoseok standing in the doorway. "Yeah, I'm okay. The nurses said that I can come home tomorrow or the day after."

Hoseok came closer and sat down on the plastic chair. His face was relaxed into a smile. "That's a relief."

Jin nodded.

"Did you have that bone marrow test yet?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Did it hurt?" Hoseok asked.

"Just a bit."

"A lot, right?"

Jin laughed. "It was really painful for a few seconds, but it was over really quickly. I didn't really have enough time to panic."

"Oh..." Hoseok hummed. He ran his hand through Jin's hair. He had made sure to wash his hands multiple times before coming. He really didn't want to give Jin some serious infection. "Do you think something serious is going on hyung?"

"I don't really know... I don't want to think about that."

Hoseok glanced into Jin's eyes. "I'm sure it's nothing bad."

"I hope so."

Jin did look a bit better. His fever wasn't there anymore, and he seemed more energetic. The heavy exhaustion had faded away, the lethargy having replaced by a dry vigour that made the others get reassured.

"I-I talked with Sejin hyung. He said that you are going to get a week off to rest," Hoseok said.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Jin sighed. He felt like he needed the rest of the month off to regain his usual strength, but he didn't voice his opinion. Getting a week off was hard enough.

Hoseok left soon after that.

Jin felt a little lonely that night. He worried endlessly about his health, whether he was alright, whether it was really something serious. The doctors and nurses were worried about him. He felt the need to get worried as well.


Two days later, Jin was released. The test results still weren't back, but he was feeling a lot healthier. Taehyung was heavily disappointed to see that he was still tired. As soon as Jin got to the dorms, he went straight to the couch to lay down.

"You're still feeling sick hyung?"

"Nah, I'm just tired."

"Just let him rest," Namjoon said when Taehyung told him how worried he was about Jin. "He just came back from the hospital, there is no way he can be all energetic all ready."

But there was something nagging at the back of his head too.


There was another event that made Namjoon get worried. It happened the following day. The members were standing in the kitchen right before breakfast. They were crowding around the coffee maker, trying to be the next person to get some. Jin was standing off to the side with his flask.

What Namjoon realized later as he inched closer to him was that Jin was swaying unsteadily. By the time that Namjoon managed to grab him, Jin was already dead unconscious. He awoke only a few seconds later, in Namjoon's arms on the floor. The others were crowded around.

Jin said he was fine.

That he had just gotten dizzy. Which was a possibility; he did get dizzy quite easily.

But something was iffy about the whole matter.


About four days after Jin came home from the hospital, there was a phone call from his doctor. She had the results from Jin's bone marrow biopsy and wanted to discuss them.

Jin could only hope that everything was alright. 


803 words

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