Chapter 23

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Taehyung heard them come in first

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Taehyung heard them come in first. He dashed back into the kitchen, gesturing at Jungkook to be quiet.

"Jimin, don't let them in, until we're done," he called.

"What?" Jimin screamed back. "Are they supposed to be sitting in the hallway for fifteen minutes then?"


"They'll get suspicious!"

"Then take them outside! Take them down to the pantry so they can put the groceries away! Take them on a round trip to this city in Manitoba, called Winnipeg-"

Jungkook shut up when he heard the door open and close and the voices of the others. Thankfully, he heard Jimin lead them down to the basement. So he had listened to what Jungkook had been saying.

As for the two of them, they sat around and waited until the clock showed them the correct time. They hadn't set the oven timer in case someone heard it ding.

But as soon as it finished, Jungkook and Taehyung got to work. Taehyung opened the oven door all the way and Jungkook took the cake out, carefully, with his trusty oven mitts on. Safety first, everyone.

"Take this, take this."

Taehyung handed him the chocolate sauce. He could hear the voices of the others getting louder, oh no, their time was running out.

"Be quick."

"I'm trying!"

Jungkook carefully flipped the chocolate sauce bottle upside down and very carefully wrote:


Oh no. What had he done?

"Hurry up, hurry up," Taehyung said. He was flapping around like a bird. Jungkook swore, he was about to lose his mind. He shouldn't have volunteered for this.

He quickly finished it off. Hopefully nobody would even read it. It was fine.

The cake read "Hyung, we live you" at the end.


"Hyung, I live you?" Jimin asked.

"Shhh," Jungkook said. "It's fine."

Jimin sighed. Oh, it was okay, he knew. He should've let Taehyung do the decorating instead. He had more sense in that department.

But it was fine. Taehyung was with the others now as they marveled at the decorations that he had put up. He knew that Jin was emotional, even though he tried to hide it. He was shy about his feelings. It was endearing to see.

Now, he carefully set the cake down on the living room table. He made sure everything was neat and clean. For once, he felt proud of himself. He was sure that Jin would like it.

"What's this?"

Jungkook grinned. Jin came up beside him and gazed at the cake.

"Did you make this?" he asked.


"I thought so, no knowledgeable professional would spell a word wrong." Jin laughed. But Jungkook could tell how sincerely grateful he was. "Thank you, thank you for all of this. You didn't have to."

"No, but we did," Jimin said.

"Did all of you know about this?"

"Of course," Hoseok said.

"That's why I was so enthusiastic about going grocery shopping. If you've ever noticed me, I never am."

Jin nodded. He felt like he was dreaming. Between last week and today, everything around him was so good. This was so touching.

"Thank you," he said again. Gosh, and there he went, choking up again.

"Try the cake," Taehyung said quickly. His eyes turned sad when he saw Jin start to tear up. "No, let's just eat. I swear, me and Jungkook did a good job with it."

Jimin cut out a piece of it for him. Jungkook managed to catch a glimpse of the inside. Phew, it didn't look undercooked. If it didn't look that way, it wasn't that way. Done deal.

"How does it taste?" Namjoon asked.

"Good, good..." Jin shoved some more in his mouth. He was still sniffling, but he had pulled himself together a bit more now. He nodded at Jungkook and Taehyung. "You guys are good."

"That's it, I'm never spending a dollar on cakes ever again," Yoongi said. "You two have to make everything for me."

"Make? With him?" Taehyung asked. "No thanks. I can buy things for you, if you want, but I'm not baking with him ever again. He makes everything too stressful."

"Me? Wasn't it you who was constantly screeching at me?" Jungkook asked.


Yoongi started to laugh, the others joining in. Jin chuckled too. After a bit, Jungkook and Taehyung joined in.

If this is how things were all the time, Jin decided, he wouldn't mind it at all.


old note:

And with that, my two first books on here are finished. I feel very old now.

Thank you for the views, votes and comments. They mean a lot so thank you so so so much.

Hope you enjoyed this story! I purple you all and hope you stay happy and healthy!


new note:

my first completely rewritten fic! i hope you enjoyed it (i hope my writing is a bit better now lol)! love you all ♡♡

734 words

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