Chapter 5

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Jin settled into the chair in front of his doctor

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Jin settled into the chair in front of his doctor. She smiled a stiff smile at him, probably one that was flashed at many of her patients before delivering them the bad news.


He had spent the last few hours at nighttime researching about what kind of leukemia he might have. Reading the outcomes was the scariest part. Jin felt the horror rise up inside him when he read the life expectancies. This cancer might keep coming back. It might claim his life. It was just so unfathomable to his mind.

He was handed a few pamphlets.

You are not alone! Join a support group today!

New cancer diagnosis? Struggling to cope? We're here to help!

"If you ever need anything, just call me. I'll be happy to help."

Jin didn't know what to say. He hoped that his flushed face was enough of a thank you to her.

"So, let me get straight to the point," the doctor said. "You have acute myelogenous leukemia. It's one of the most common types out there, especially for your age group."

"I read that the 5-year survival rate for that type is 25%..."

"Did you read it online?"

Jin nodded.

"I know it's hard... but try not to look online too much. Everybody is different."

It's easier said than done.


The doctor smiled gently, patting his arm. "For the treatment, we were thinking of going ahead with chemotherapy."

"Like- "

"Yeah." she nodded. "We're thinking of starting them within the next two weeks. You'll come to the hospital and you'll be hooked up to an IV pole. You might have to stay overnight if something happens, but usually, you will be able to go home the day of. Do you want to go ahead with it?"

"Aren't there side effects and...?"

"Yes, there is. Your hair might fall out or 'thin' as they say. You might throw up and be unable to eat large amounts."

Jin's eyes widened.

The doctor continued, "And there is always the possibility that the treatment wouldn't work, and we would have to switch to something else."

She pushed a form towards him. "If you agree, we can go ahead with it. I would say, for you, it's the safest bet. You're young and otherwise healthy, I think you would be able to go ahead with it."

Jin read the form carefully. It was a permission form. No, it was more like a waiver.

"Do you want to go ahead with it?"

"Yeah," Jin said.

The doctor handed him a pen. "Here."

Jin signed the form. He hadn't really read through the entire form carefully, but he had basically heard what it was going to consist of. Besides, this was probably going to be painful and excruciating but there was a chance that he was going to get better. The doctor knew how to calm him down.



"Do you want to come up with the schedule now or do you want to do it over the phone later?"

"Now, please."

"It's hard over the phone, isn't it?" she asked.

Jin laughed. "Yeah."

They selected the date. April 19th would be the date of the first appointment. That was exactly two weeks from now. All the directions were repeated to Jin. He was told where to go, where to wait, what to expect, and other information like that. Jin found himself starting to calm down a bit further. It didn't sound so scary. He knew that it was a lot easier for the doctor to explain though, especially because it wasn't her who would have to go through it.

Everything was so complicated.


"How did it go?" Jimin asked.


"That's good." Jimin flashed a supportive smile at Jin.

They were sitting at the dinner table, having, you guessed it, dinner. Only Jimin, Jin and Taehyung were there. The others were at the studios. Jin wanted to go practice his vocals too but with all the mayhem going on in his life at the moment, he felt like he would just embarrass himself there. Next week, he promised himself. Jin feared that otherwise he would forget how to sing.

Jin chewed slowly. Taehyung had made them all get takeout from Panda Express. The food was actually quite good.

"You were given pamphlets?" Jimin asked. "I saw them in your bag."

"Yeah." Jin nodded. He finished chewing his mouthful before continuing. "There were a lot in her office."

"Are you going to go to one of those? Or are they online?"

"I don't know," Jin said. "It's too early to say anything."

"When does it start? Or did you guys not..."

"April 19th."

Jimin patted his arm. "I'm sure it will go great."

"Yeah. The doctor was really nice." Jin shoved more food into his mouth.

A smile bloomed on Jimin's face. Jin grinned too.


Now. . .

Dear readers, I humbly thank thee for making this trashy story hit 275+ reads . . .


It means a lot trust me

^^ that's from before. now i want to thank you all for 38k+ reads lol

809 words

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