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warning: throwing up

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warning: throwing up

"I'm scared."

Namjoon looked at Jin who was sitting by the windowsill, staring outside.

"What for?"

Jin sighed. Namjoon waited patiently for him to continue.

"What if this thing doesn't work? What if I choke to death while throwing up? What if one day I fall and can't get back up? What if-"

"It will work," Namjoon said softly. "You'll be fine."

Jin hummed in response, sighing quietly.

Namjoon's words were reassuring. He tried to not overthink everything. Whatever the outcome was, he had to be positive. He had done everything that was possible to do. The others had too.

No, he had to be brave now.


He got the medications a few days later. The pharmacist rattled off a bunch of rules (read: warnings) that he had to follow. First of all, the medications were dangerous to handle with bare hands. He had to hold them with gloves. His doctor had told him that he needed to follow the dosage schedule exactly or there might be problems. He also needed to hold the tablet under his tongue for a very precise amount of time unless it wouldn't be absorbed properly.

It was confusing and overwhelming. After hearing all this, Jin found himself wondering if he had made the right choice. The IV way was more painful, but at least he didn't have to do so many things himself. Here, if he screwed up, then it was all on him.

But at least he would be in the comfort of his own home. No more long, complicated hospital visits.


The pills were very expensive. The whole process had been, but the medication was especially. He had the money to pay for it, but it was an unwelcome wake-up call to how much actually went into this illness. It drained him emotionally. Though, he had to count himself one of the lucky ones.

At least he had the means to support himself.


He followed everything as best as he could. The setup was very similar to the old form of treatment that he had gone through before. He would have to take one tablet once every day for three days, then let his body rest for the next three weeks. Jin was hopeful at the beginning that he wouldn't have to go through any side effects, but he was so very wrong. He was in for a rough time, no matter what, it seemed.


He had hoped, maybe it was the dinner's fault. Maybe he had eaten something wrong.

Even then, Jin found himself stumbling out of bed in the middle of the night. He felt like he was going to be sick. He collapsed in front of the toilet, the cold tiles harsh to his knees. Jin swore, his ribs nearly came apart. Everything was so brutal. As he threw up, he was barely aware of anything around him, he was in so much pain.

He had to lay down on the floor afterward.

It was back. Just like usual. He nearly burst into tears.


"Were you okay last night?"


Jin shrugged. He knew the others would eventually find out, but so soon...

"Not really," he reluctantly admitted in a low voice.

"What happened?" Jimin asked.

Jin shook his head. "Nothing much, you know. Just the usual, yeah."

"What's the usual?"

"You know," Jin said.

"Throwing up?"


Immediately, it seemed like everyone was interested in hearing what they were talking about. Six pairs of eyes gazed at him with worry evident in all of them.

"Why didn't you call one of us?" Jungkook asked.

"I didn't need to," Jin said. He frowned. Jungkook lowered his head, but Jin could see that he was still worried.

"I think you should go see your doctor about this," Namjoon said. When Jin shook his head, he continued, "No, I'm serious. As soon as this starts, you start getting sick. There must be something you can take for this. I don't think it's possible to keep dealing with this like you are, hyung. Why don't you try?"

Ugh, Jin hated it when people were more reasonable than he was. He liked being clueless about things. But Namjoon's words really did make sense.

"I can go with you, if you want," Taehyung said. "Years may have passed, but you're still just as shy as when I first met you."

Jin sighed. He didn't notice the others chuckle at Taehyung's statement. He still felt sick.

"Fine," he mumbled.


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