Chapter 21

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That's all that Jin had to say. When he went to the doctor and explained what had been going, with Taehyung in tow, he was taken seriously. There actually were many anti-nausea medications that could help him out. He was given one that matched his preferences.

And, holy hell, he felt the effects within a few days. He still felt sick a lot of the time, but he stopped throwing up. It was such a big relief.

Namjoon smirked when he told him. Of course he would be proud of himself. Jin could've cried, he was so thankful. He hated throwing up so much.


The tablets proved to be a lot easier on his body though. With the IV, he would find that his arm would be sore for a good long time afterwards. Also, the constant needles were painful and scary. As long as he could remember when and how to take the tablets, he was alright.

Jin found his life returning back to his old normal. He could go to the studio and sing and work again. Sometimes, if he had the energy, he did the dance classes too. He got tired easily. But if he took breaks, he was fine.

He hadn't realized how much throwing up had taken out of him. Holy shit.


Initially, he had been given three rounds of tablets. Every time he ran out, he had to make sure to order them in advance. But when they ran out for the last time, he knew it was time for another scan.

He hoped for the best.


Jimin held Jin's hand tightly. Hoseok was driving.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked.

Jin nodded.

He gazed out of the window. Whatever the news he got today, he promised himself that he would take everything lightly. He had done everything right. Whatever happened now wasn't his fault in any way. He couldn't explain his thoughts to Jimin though, so he didn't say anything else.

"We'll be right outside if anything happens," Hoseok said.

"Yeah." Jin swallowed. Everything would be fine.


It had been just over an hour since Jin had disappeared into the office and they hadn't heard anything since. Hoseok feared the worst. Jimin looked like he was a lot more calm. He was playing games on his phone.

"He'll be done soon, hyung, don't worry," Jimin said after a while.


Hoseok couldn't help but notice how unhappy the hospital looked. No wonder Jin hated it so much. The plants and windows and doors and everything looked like it was from a shitty Sims Freeplay house. He couldn't imagine spending weeks here.

It was easier to think about depressing interior decoration than worry about what was happening to Jin though. Hoseok had to admit that.


He was almost giddy. When the doctor opened the door to let him out, he stumbled out like he had was five years old again. Jimin spotted him right away.


There was a sense of worry in Jimin's voice, but there wasn't any in Jin's mind. Jimin gripped onto his arm tightly. He scanned Jin's face.

"So? What did they say?"

"Everything's okay," he whispered.



Jimin's smile started in his eyes until suddenly, he was beaming with joy. Jin had never seen him smile that wide. He was aware that he also was grinning stupidly, ear to ear. What's more, the doctor had also told him that there was a small chance of his exact type of cancer to return. Something else could come back, but he could worry about that later.

Jimin led him back to where Hoseok was. Hoseok had the same reaction. It was almost crazy. The past year had been so bananas that Jin had thought that he was living in a dream. But this, this day must be real. This much relief didn't happen in dreams.


He could feel it in the air. When he told his family about what the doctor said, he heard his parents start to cry. They rarely ever did that. Jin nearly cried along with them, but he held himself back. He could cry later by himself. He needed time to himself.

While he thought about that, the other members were out planning something quite different... well, it was the younger members who came up with it, but everyone else was on board as well...


sorry, lots of free time

730 words

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