Chapter 4

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"It's leukemia

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"It's leukemia."

"What...?" A pang of horror went through Jin's chest. His face turned white.

"There are leukemic cells in your bone marrow," the doctor said. "Can you come over to the clinic tomorrow? We'll go over treatment plans then."

Jin stayed silent. He couldn't really comprehend what was going on around him; things felt too fuzzy.


"Ye... yeah, that's fine..."

"Okay." A sigh sounded through the receiver. "I'm really sorry sir."

Jin hung up the phone. He sat down on his bed. He felt dizzy. Things were happening too quickly. Leukemia meant cancer... cancer meant treatment... Jin's heart caught in his throat. Why did this have to happen to him? Maybe there had been some kind of mistake?

"I noticed you were done..." Jungkook pushed open the door and peered in. "Jin hyung? What did the doctor say?"

"It's cancer," Jin said glumly. He didn't bother sugar-coating it him. They would have to know one day anyway. They would have to take care of him. He was such a burden all the time.

Jungkook gasped. "Hyung... you-you're kidding right?!"

"No." Jin sighed. He felt irritable all of a sudden. "Can you step out for a moment? I need to tell my parents."


When he stepped out of his room, Yoongi was standing outside the door. His mouth was set in a grim line.

"Hyung, you have cancer?"

Jin nodded.

"What kind?"


"Oh..." Yoongi's eyes filled with tears and Jin was reminded of the fact that his grandma had died of that.

Jungkook was standing at the end of the hallway. He ran over when he saw Jin.

"What did your parents say?" he asked.

"They didn't pick up." Jin shrugged. He actually hadn't called his parents at all; it had just been an excuse to get Jungkook out of the room. He didn't feel like talking to anybody right now. He needed to sit down and process the news himself.

"What are you going to do, Seokjin hyung?" Yoongi asked.

"Do I look like I know?" Jin snapped.

He stomped away before he could hear Yoongi's gasp. Jungkook gazed sadly at Jin's retreating figure.

"I don't understand... how are we going to manage things?" he asked. "Is Jin hyung just playing with us?"

"He wouldn't make jokes about something like this," Yoongi replied. He turned to go to his room. "I need to go to the studio to pick up a document. You make sure that Jin hyung stays sane until I come back."


"Better now?"

Jungkook snuggled up next to Jin on the couch.

"I let you have your alone time."

Jin hummed. "Yeah, thank you."

Jungkook patted the his arm. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." Jin sighed. "Where are the others?"

"They're still at the studio. Yoongi hyung is probably going to tell them."


"How are you feeling about it, hyung?"

"I-I don't really know... can we not talk about it?"

"But... but, okay fine." Jungkook nodded. "What are we going to have for dinner tonight?"

"You!" Jin let out a small laugh. "Why do you always care about food?"

"Says you!"

"True, true," Jin said. He continued to laugh. "I shouldn't be the one judging."

Jungkook smirked. He ran his fingers through Jin's hair.

Am I going to end up losing my hair?

Jin stopped laughing, another pang hitting him. Did he really have cancer? What?

Jungkook's hand stopped going through his hair. He leaned forward to look into the Jin's eyes. "Are you okay hyung?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

Jin's heart was starting to feel heavy. He was starting to get scared. He couldn't wait until the following day until he could talk to his doctor.


He had another bad nosebleed during the night. It was Yoongi who noticed first. There was blood on his sheets. There wasn't really any pain, just some discomfort. Jin got a little freaked out when he saw the amount of blood. It kept dripping and dripping. Half a tissue box was used up until it finally stopped. Yoongi offered to wash the sheets for him, but he refused. Jin could wash them by himself, right?

He didn't need to depend on others to get things done for him.


holy shit this book was so bad before

706 words

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