Chapter 6

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"Get up, hyung," Hoseok said

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"Get up, hyung," Hoseok said. He shook Jin's shoulder. "Get up, it's already ten."

Jin groaned. He wanted to sleep for the rest of his life. But Hoseok had already ripped the covers off him and he was forced to sit up. Jin slowly got up into a sitting position. All the movement jarred his head, and before Jin could do anything, a headache had flared up. He groaned again, putting his head in his hands. He felt tired.

"You good?" Hoseok sat down next to him. "Jin hyung... oh... you have a headache?"


Hoseok sighed in worry. He put his hand on Jin's back. "Do you want me to bring your food here or...?"

"No, it's okay," Jin said. He blinked his eyes open, the throbbing pain in his forehead making him wince. "I'm sorry," he added in a lower voice.

"Nah." Hoseok shook his head, getting to his feet. "Don't be. We get it. Brush your teeth now and come to the dining table. You have a very delectable meal waiting for you."


"Yeah, Yoongi made oatmeal."

Jin groaned, not from his headache this time.

"I know right!" Hoseok shrugged. "He doesn't even know how to make oatmeal properly! He puts too much salt in!"

"That's for sure." Jin forced a smile on his face. "I'll be right there."

Hoseok nodded, patting his shoulder lightly. "I'll go be with the others. If you need anything, just scream as loudly as you can, and I will hear you and I will rush over."

Jin laughed. "Yeah."


"You okay?" was the first thing that Yoongi said when Jin stepped into the kitchen.

"Huh? Yeah."

Yoongi sighed.

Jimin looked up at Jin. He was sitting at the table, eating his oatmeal obediently. Jin wondered how long it had taken Yoongi to convince the others to eat his oatmeal. He nearly gagged just thinking about it. The others were somehow managing to have it. There was, of course, the ever-present headache pressing against his forehead. He tried his best not to wince. He was also scared for what was coming, but he tried not to let it show.

"Hyung, Hoseok hyung told me that you have a headache," Jimin said. "Do you want me to get some painkillers for you after you eat?"

"That would be nice, yeah."

"Yoongi hyung, no offense, but you seriously need to learn how to make oatmeal. This is uneatable, disgusting, gross..." Jungkook said.

"Shut your trap and just eat it."

Jimin choked on his laugh.

Yoongi dumped a bowl of oatmeal in front of Jin when he sat down at the table. Jin suppressed a groan.

"Where's Namjoon?" Hoseok asked. "I didn't see him this morning."

"He went to the studio early to work on something, I don't exactly know what," Yoongi replied.

"He probably left so he could avoid breakfast," Jungkook said.

"Shut up!"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "You guys better quieten down. Jin hyung has a headache."

"Oh... right..." Yoongi nodded. He sat down in the chair directly opposite from Jin. "Does it taste okay? I tried my best."

"It... it tastes really good," Jin managed to say. He didn't want to hurt Yoongi's feelings any more than the others already had, but the oatmeal didn't taste like they were supposed to do. Had Yoongi burned them too?

Hoseok started to laugh, Jungkook joining in. "You're such a bad liar."

"Well, jeez, at least he's nice enough to not say bad things to my face." Yoongi shrugged. "Hyung, are you okay? You were crying last night."

"What?" Jin asked. "No. Probably not."

"What, you think I would lie about something like this?"

"No, it's not that-" Jin shook his head. Yoongi was so damn defensive sometimes. "I'm just..."

"Are you scared?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, yeah, obviously."

Jimin, who was curiously glancing over at the two, quickly looked away. His expression turned almost sad as he started eating again. It was almost like whenever the others remembered Jin's diagnosis, they got sad and scared. It was like Jin had been given a death sentence. It was stifling.

Yoongi hummed. He reached out to pat Jin's arm. "We'll all be with you. And... I know it doesn't really help, especially because we won't be able to relate, but if anything bothers you, then you can come talk. If we're not able to help you, we will find somebody who can."

Hoseok nodded. He gazed over at Jin carefully. Jin had a blank look on his face and his jaw was set tightly. His eyes were watery as he looked at Yoongi. Hoseok wondered if it was from his headache or if it was something else.

"I just..."

"I'll get the painkillers, yeah?" Jungkook said. He ruffled Jin's hair before leaving. "All this emotion is making me tear up."

Jin knew he meant well, but Jungkook's words bothered him a bit. Was he just making all the others sad? He was making all the members upset and worried.

There wasn't anything he could really do about it though. At least his headache eased up after taking the painkillers.

The fear seeped back in.

Was chemotherapy going to be scary? Painful? Work? Not work?

Jin didn't know. Neither did anyone else.


876 words

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