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jaemin stood in jamie's doorway, hands on his hips staring her down

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jaemin stood in jamie's doorway, hands on his hips staring her down.

jamie yawned, jisung hiding behind her.

"jamie are you cheating on me? i thought i was the only one you sleep with!"

jamie gagged, "don't word it like that, it sounds wrong."

jaemin didn't seem fazed.

jisung had been having nightmares the past couple days while he's been living with the three j's and lucas so jamie slept on an air mattress in her room while jisung slept on her bed.

jaemin hadn't been there in a while, too busy with college applications, but had finally made time to see jamie and bring ice cream and chocolate because he knew she was still fighting with mark.

it had been weeks since jamie had talked to mark and donghyuck was having a hard time being the mediator. he got agitated quickly and the two didn't talk about mark at all anymore.

jisung was laying on the air mattress with jamie and the tv was on. he was intently watching the show, jamie's head on his lap as she slept.

however, jaemin was a ruiner of nice scenes.

"just come sit," jamie patted the deflated mattress next to her.

jaemin caved and sat next to her, jamie immediately leaning on him and hugging his arm.

jaemin already knew why jisung was there, jamie telling him first out of the very few people she had told.

"what's on your agenda today?" jaemin asked, yawning afterwords.

"jisung, jaehyun, and i have to meet with his lawyer," jamie sighed, "and then i'm free to mope. what about you?"

"nothing important which is why i'm here," jaemin flashed her a grin, "how's mark?"

jamie's lips turned down, "how would i know?"

jisung was silently watching the two, more interested in them than the show he was watching.

"he's your boyfriend," jaemin responded softly, "you can't ignore him forever."

"i know," jamie mumbled, "but it still hurts."

as if on cue, jamie's phone lit up, another good morning message from mark. he had been sending them since their "fight" and hoping to get a response. so far he had gotten none.

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