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Jin stood in his empty bedroom of his house that him and his mother were moving out of. His mother had divorced his dad a while ago which Jin didn't mind because his dad was an asshole to not only his mother, but him as well.

He just didn't want to move. He liked this house. "Jin, sweetie, come on! He's expecting us to be there in thirty minutes!" He heard his mother call.

Jin sighed and said goodbye to his old room before heading downstairs. "You're not too sad, are you?" She asked and Jin shook his head. "New beginnings are a good thing, right?" Jin said. "That's the spirit." She smiled and ruffled Jin's hair.

They left the house, the moving truck following behind them. Jin didn't really know what to expect living with his step-father, and the fact that he was going to have a brother too.

Would he be mean? Too nice? Overprotective? Jin sighed and closed his eyes, drowning out the noise around him. He took in the surroundings, noticing the houses were a lot bigger than the one he recently lived in.

His mother turned down a street where they entered a gated neighborhood. They even had to check in with a security guard before they entered. "Oh, so this guy has money." Jin said. "Don't put it that way, Jin." She said.

"But it's true." Jin said. "Jin..." She said sternly and Jin shut his mouth. They pulled into the driveway of a large mansion, Jin's eyes widening. "I live here now?!" Jin nearly yelled. "Yes." She smiled.

"Sweet! Do you think I'll be allowed to throw parties here?" Jin asked. "I'm sure Jiyoung wouldn't mind." His mother said.

Jin saw the front door open and out stepped Jiyoung, his step-father. He was a little bit taller than Jin, had dark brown hair, a bright smile and squinty eyes. Jin assumed he was going to be a nice guy.

His mother and Jiyoung greeted each other with a kiss, Jin rolling his eyes before his mother spoke up. "This is my son Seok-Jin but just call him Jin." She said. Jin bowed and quietly said hello.

"Well, Namjoon should be getting back soon. He was out with girlfriend today." Jiyoung said and Jin swallowed thickly. He didn't know why 'girlfriend' suddenly ticked him off.

They unpacked all the stuff, Jin picking which room he wanted. He was right down the hall from Namjoon's bedroom. Jin began opening his boxes and unpacking his things.

His room was painted a very, very light teal, looked almost white. He had a large bed, a desk, bay window, his own bathroom, a large walk-in closet and a living room area. He felt like he was in a small apartment.

As he was unpacking, he heard his bedroom door open and in walked who he assumed was Namjoon. Jin felt his heart lurch because the boy was so good-looking. He had slightly long bright blond hair, good fashion sense and the most charming smile, dimples and all.

Jin couldn't believe such a handsome person could exist, let alone live in the same house as him. "What's up?" Namjoon said. "Uh...hi." Jin lost his words for a moment.

He stood up and walked over to him. "I'm Jin." He said and held out his hand. "Namjoon." Namjoon held it firmly and shook it. "It's cool to finally meet you. Anytime your mom was over, she'd talk about you a lot." Namjoon smirked and Jin's face reddened.

"No she would never..." Jin felt embarrassed. "It's cool, she spoke all good things." Namjoon said. "I'll show you around at school, tomorrow, since you've never been there, right?" Namjoon asked.

"Um, actually, we attend the same school, I don't think I've ever seen you there though." Jin said. "I skip a lot, don't tell dad." Namjoon winked. Jin giggled softly.

"You can drive with me to school if you want. Maybe I'll stop skipping if I know you're there." Namjoon said and Jin's heart did a thing again. "We don't have classes together." Jin said. "I can always switch. Show me your schedule later." Namjoon said.

"Why?" Jin asked. Namjoon shrugged. Namjoon smiled and ruffled Jin's hair. "Don't worry about it." He said. "Need any help unpacking?" He asked. "Sure, I'll get done a lot quicker." Jin said.

Namjoon helped Jin unpack his belongings, Namjoon finding a picture of Jin with he thought was his father. "Who's this?" He asked. Jin swallowed thickly as he took the picture from Namjoon.

It was a picture of Jin when he was about 5, it was his first day of Kindergarten. That was a few years before his dad became abusive and an alcoholic. "My dad." Jin said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up." Namjoon said. "No, it's fine." Jin mumbled. He gasped quietly when Namjoon suddenly hugged him. "I barely know you and you're already hugging me. I'm shocked." Jin said.

"You're somewhat my brother now, so it's my job to care about you. That's what brothers do, right?" He asked as he pulled away. He was overprotective and Jin could already tell. "Sure." Jin said.

"I'm older than you, you know, my birthday in this month." Namjoon smirked. Jin's eyes widened. "Nooooooo!" He whined. "Haha...little bro." Namjoon laughed quietly. "Don't!" Jin hissed.

He was just happy they got along pretty well. "Jin, Namjoon! Dinner is ready!" They heard Jin's mom call. "Who do you hang out with at school?" Namjoon asked. "Do you know Jimin?" Jin asked as Namjoon guided him to the dining room.

"Yeah, he was in my math class last year. Smart kid. He was always quiet." Namjoon said. "He's my only friend." Jin said. "Aww, you're lonely?" Namjoon asked. "I wouldn't put it like that. Jimin and I just keep to ourselves. We don't really talk to people, let alone pay attention to them." Jin said.

"Which is probably why we've never ran into each other, huh?" Namjoon said and Jin nodded. They sat at the dining room table, Namjoon's father smiling at them.

"I see you two are getting along just fine." He said. "We are." Namjoon looked at Jin and smiled, Jin blushing softly. He couldn't help it. He couldn't believe he was falling for his own brother.

Well technically they weren't brothers. Namjoon was just his step-brother. Jin looked away. Of course Namjoon noticed Jin's shyness and he would be lying if he said he didn't think it was cute.

"You two get to got to school together starting tomorrow!" Jin's mother said. "We've been going to the same school, we just didn't know each other." Namjoon spoke up.

"What a small world." Namjoon's father laughed. His mother and Jiyoung began talking to each other, Jin looking down at his lap. It felt weird to finally have a father figure in his life again, and even better having a step-brother who actually was nice. And hot.


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