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Jin felt sick. She was just staring at him with wide eyes and he felt like he couldn't move. "Come on, Jin." His mother said and snapped him out of trance before he walked away.

It took his all not to start crying in the way home but once he did get home and into his room, he burst into tears. He knew her. He knew damn well she was going to tell people as soon as she got back into school.

Jin couldn't even call Namjoon and tell him because he was in class. So Jin laid there suffering because he most definitely didn't want to tell his mom about Aeri.

After school, when Namjoon got home. He went upstairs and knocked on Jin's door. He didn't hear a response so he just walked in anyways. "Baby?" He said quietly.

He walked over to the bed and sat in the side, Jin turning to face him with teary eyes. "What's wrong?" Namjoon asked frantically. "S-She knows." Jin breathed out. "W-What?" Namjoon said.

"Aeri k-knows! She was a-at the hospital too. I g-guess she just h-happened to have a d-doctor's appointment today too." Jin cried. "If she says a word, I'll find a way to hurt her. I swear." Namjoon said.

"Don't. D-Don't talk to her about it. She'll just come to me first and say something." Jin said. "Jin, I don't want her bullying you then you're going to get stressed out and that's not good for you right now." Namjoon said.

"I can handle it." Jin murmured.

The next day when Jin entered the school, even one little store from a student had him paranoid. He didn't know if they knew or not and really didn't want to find out.

Jin was at his locker, the hallway pretty empty because he was there early. He heard the sound of heels clicking in the floor and knew exactly who was approaching him, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Jin..." Aeri hissed. He turned around and she glared at him. "You're pregnant?!" She whispered. "A-Aeri, please. You c-can't tell anyone at all." Jin breathed out. "P-Please don't. I've d-done nothing to you." Jin said.

She just stood there for a moment and crossed her arms. "Look, if I tell you this you won't tell anyone either?" She rose a brow. Jin shrugged. "The only fucking reason I'm not gonna tell anyone is because I went through the same situation last year." She said.

Jin's eyes widened. "W-What?!" Jin said. "It was before I dated Namjoon. This stupid guy I hooked up with at my party didn't use protection." She rolled her eyes. "W-What did you do about it?" Jin asked.

"I aborted. My mom made me." She said. "If I had the choice, I would've kept it." Aeri said. She was being nice and Jin didn't know how to feel about it. "Clearly you're keeping yours." She said. "I'm not, actually." Jin said.

"Adoption?" She asked and Jin nodded. "Look, I'm not gonna bother you anymore, just be careful. My friends practically hate you and if they somehow find out, they'll tell people." She said.

"T-Thank you." Jin mumbled. "Don't mention it." She said before walking off. Jin couldn't believe it. The queen of slut-shaming was pregnant herself. Jin understood why she did that now.

He walked to Namjoon's locker where he was putting a few things in his backpack. He zipped it up and slipped it on, facing Jin. "Did she say anything to you?" Namjoon asked.

"She's not going to tell anyone." Jin said quietly. "What? How would you know?" Namjoon asked. "Because she said she wouldn't. I'll talk to you about it later." Jin said and Namjoon hummed.

"You feeling okay?" Namjoon asked and Jin nodded. "I feel kinda bad because this is my last week at school before I have to leave." Jin said. "You'll be all lonely." Jin said. "I still have the rest of our friends." Namjoon said.

"But you're right, I won't have you around with me all day." Namjoon said and hugged Jin. "I'll see you later, okay?" Namjoon said and Jin hummed before to parted ways to go to class.


At lunch that day, Jin noticed how Aeri had this constant look of worry and kept looking at him. It was defiantly weird that she was being nice to him now only because they knew each other's secret, but Jin hoped she'd learn that everything she did to try and ruin his and Namjoon's relationship was wrong.

He knew deep down she was a good person but was just overcome with so much jealousy, it made her go crazy.

After school that day, she approached Jin. "You didn't tell anyone, did you?" She asked. "N-No. I'm not gonna tell anyone." Jin said and she let out a breath of relief.

"Look, Jin, I know this is a real shitty time to say this but I'm sorry." She said.

"You're only saying this so I won't tell anyone." Jin said. She frowned a little. "How would you know that? I'm trying to be genuinely nice because I've been through the same thing. You're lucky I'm not slut shaming you. I could've been so different about this situation." She said, and she had a point.

"I get that you're sorry, but what you did to me was beyond hurtful and it's going to take a really long time for Namjoon and I to trust you again." Jin said.

"I k-know." She looked down and sighed. "Just be careful, okay?" She said and Jin nodded before going to ind Namjoon so they could go home.

When they arrived at the house, they went to Namjoon's room, Jin laying in his bed while Namjoon sat at his desk and did a bit of homework.

"You wanna tell me what Aeri said?" Namjoon asked as he sat beside Jin in the bed. Jin sat up and sighed a little. "Namjoon, promise me you're not going to tell anyone or she'll actually end me." Jin said.

"Yeah. I promise." Namjoon said. "Aeri said she wouldn't tell because last year, before you two started dating, she went through that same thing as me." Jin said. Namjoon tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm sorry, what?" He breathed out. "Aeri got pregnant last year, but her mom made her abort it. I guess nobody knows but me because she still has a undying reputation at our school." Jin said. "And she apologized to me for everything she did." Jin said.

"Wow..." Namjoon said. "I know, it took me a while to process all of that too." Jin giggled. "It's gonna be a while before I trust her again. I don't care if she apologized." Namjoon stated. "Yeah, I told her that." Jin said.

"I'm just glad I'm not gonna get bullied by her anymore." Jin said as he rested his head against Namjoon's shoulder. "Yeah, it's a good thing she realized what she did was wrong." Namjoon said.

Sadly, this wasn't the end of Jin's problems.

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