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Jin woke up the next morning, more tired than usual. Maybe it was a bad idea they had sex the night before but it was a sweet moment and Jin didn't really mind.

Namjoon was already awake, just looking at Jin contently. "Do you always do this?" Jin asked. "Do what?" Namjoon whispered. "Just stare at me until I wake up?" Jin said. "Yeah. You look really cute when you sleep." Namjoon chuckled, a small blush appearing in his cheeks.

"You're cute." Jin said. "Hmm, I don't think that's a good word to describe me." Namjoon said. "Okay then what do you prefer? Hot? Sexy?" Jin rose a brow. "None of those either." Namjoon blushed harder.

"Is charming better?" Jin asked. "Sure." Namjoon laughed. "Well I think you're all of those things." Jin said. He looked at the clock and gasped. "We need to get ready for school!" Jin panicked.

"Relax, school doesn't start until thirty minutes from now." Namjoon said. "No, I'm not gonna relax!" Jin hopped up and then squeaked when he realized he was naked. Namjoon laughed at him.

"It's not funny!" Jin called as he rushed out of the room and down the hall to his own room to get ready for school.

They ended up leaving the house, already late because school started five minutes ago. "I've never been late before." Jin whined. "Jin, calm down. You aren't missing anything. You have art first hour." Namjoon reminded.

"Still." Jin crossed his arms. They arrived at school and Namjoon parked. "Hey." Namjoon said and Jin looked at him with a frown. Namjoon smiled softly, Jin resisting but couldn't hold back a smile either.

"See, you can't be mad at me forever." Namjoon said. "Whatever." Jin rolled his eyes. Namjoon caressed Jin's face and kissed his lips quickly. "Come on." He said and they got out the car.

They entered the school and went to the main office. They were given late passes to class. "I'll see you." Namjoon said. "Wait!" Jin called as he ran back up to Namjoon.

Namjoon turned around and Jin wrapped his arms around his neck, pressing their lips together. Namjoon smiled in the kiss as he wrapped Jin's waist.

"Go to class, boys." They heard the office lady say. Jin pulled away and rolled his eyes. "I'll see you at lunch, m'kay." Namjoon said and pecked Jin's lips. "Bye." Jin waved and they parted ways.

At lunch that day, Jin went to his locker to grab his lunch. "Hey, where were you earlier?" Jimin asked. "Namjoon and I woke up late. We were tired." Jin said. "I wonder why..." Jimin wiggled his eyebrows, Jin blushing.

"How was your date with him?" Jimin asked as they walked down the hall. "Really fun. We went to the arcade. I beat him at go-karts." Jin smiled. "And he won me a giant pink teddy bear!" Jin said excitedly.

"That's so sweet." Jimin said. "Is Namjoon taking you to the Winter Formal?" Jimin asked. "The what?" Jin said. "The Winter Formal, it's another dance." Jimin said. "Didn't homecoming just happen a few weeks ago?" Jin asked.

"It's at the end of November, Jin, that's two weeks away." Jimin said. "Oh, well, I don't know. He never asked me." Jin said. "He'll probably ask you soon." Jimin winked.

Jin suddenly felt someone grab his sides, making him him yelp. He turned around and Namjoon was laughing. "Namjoon!" Jin blushed. Namjoon wrapped his arms around him and smiled. "Hi, baby." Namjoon laughed softly and kissed his cheek.

"You two are so cute, it's sickening." Jimin said. "You going to the winter formal?" Jimin asked Namjoon. "I plan on it." Namjoon said.

They entered the lunchroom, sitting at the table. "So are you gonna take Jin to the winter formal?" Taehyung asked Namjoon. "I dunno." Namjoon said, overwhelmed that a lot of people actually asked him that question. People in his classes asked and just random people in the hall.

Jin felt a little sad when Namjoon said he didn't know. Jimin noticed Jin looked a little sad and decided to change the topic.

Jin left lunch a few minutes early. It was sudden which startled Namjoon a little. "Is he okay?" Namjoon asked. "I dunno." Jungkook said.

Namjoon followed after Jin. "Jin!" He called. "Hey, wait up." Namjoon jogged up to him. Jin walked down the hall his locker was and unlocked it. "Hey, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked.

"'s nothing." Jin shook his head as he opened his locker and placed his lunch bag inside. "Is it about the winter formal?" Namjoon asked. "Maybe." Jin said.

"Baby, I didn't say I wasn't going to take. I was j-just a little nervous about how to ask you." Namjoon admitted, blushing softly. Jin closed his locker and faced him.

"Do you wanna go to the dance with me?" Namjoon asked. Jin's cheeks reddened a little. He smiled softly and nodded, Namjoon wrapping his arms around him and hugging him.

"I'm sorry, baby." Namjoon whispered in his ear. "No, don't be. I was getting upset for no reason." Jin hugged him back. "I just feel bad. I don't mean to make you upset sometimes." Namjoon said.

"Awww, Joonie, don't feel bad." Jin looked into his eyes. Namjoon blushed and looked down. "Look at me." Jin said and Namjoon looked up and met eyes with him.

He smiled softly at the younger who smiled back. They were so in love with each other. Jin leaned in and pressed their lips together, his tummy filling with butterflies.

Namjoon pinned him to the locker, Jin pulling away. He smirked and took Namjoon by the hand, leading him somewhere. "Where are we going?" Namjoon asked.

"It's nice outside today, we're skipping." Jin said as they went outside. It was a little warmer outside for November. The sun was out and they didn't even need their jackets.

Jin led Namjoon into the rain garden, the two sitting on the bench. "What do you think Mom and Dad would do if they found out about us?" Namjoon asked.

"I dunno, Namjoon." Jin said. "Should we tell them?" Namjoon asked. "I mean come on, it's not like we're gonna break up with each other again. I really love you." Namjoon said. "I'm not sure how they'd feel about us." Jin shrugged.

"Their reaction most likely would be bad and they'd make us break up with each other. I think it's best we don't tell them." Jin said.

"Now I know how you feel when I was keeping us a secret from our friends." Namjoon said. "What do you mean? You want to tell our parents?" Jin asked.

He looked up at Namjoon, who shrugged. "Namjoon, we cant." Jin said. "I know, I know." Namjoon mumbled. "It just feels weird." Namjoon said. "I get it." Jin said.

"What do we do at the winter formal?" Jin asked. "It's a dance, babe, what do you think we do?" Namjoon chuckled. "Sorry, I've never been to the winter formal." Jin said. "It's less formal than Homecoming, even though it's called the winter 'formal'." Namjoon said.

"Oh, okay." Jin said. Namjoon checked the time after a while. "We should go back inside, the bell rings in three minutes." Namjoon said and Jin hummed.

They entered the school and went to Namjoon's locker so Namjoon could grab his backpack. "I'm ready to go home, I'm sleepy." Jin mumbled. Namjoon swing his arms around Jin and hugged him close.

Jin wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck and smiled to himself, resting his head on his shoulder as the bell ran. Yes, they were the typical, annoying couple that stood in the way and just hugged or kissed each other until the one minute bell rang.

"Get a room." They heard Yoongi say, Jimin giggling as the two walked passed. Jin laughed softly. "We gotta go to class." Namjoon said. "I know." Jin said, breathing in Namjoon's sweet scent. "I don't wanna let go." Jin said and held onto Namjoon tighter.

Namjoon chuckled softly. "We can cuddle when we get home from school." Namjoon said. The one minute bell rang. "Bye, baby." Namjoon kissed his forehead. Jin pouted and let go. "Bye." Jin said and they left to go to their classes.

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