Chapter 00: Introduction

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You play as the leader of a notorius pirate crew raiding on Middle-Earth. Everybody knows that you are a male; but it's just the case that you are a woman. You are an expert and a skillful thief who possess the stealth of a hobbit and the cunningness of a man-- and it just happens that Thorin Oakenshield is in search of another candidate for being their 'official burglar' after Master Bilbo Baggins has turned them down. 

What will happen if the King Under the Mountain invited you? 

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                                     Diola lle, mellonamin! Oio naa elealla alasse', tenna' san'! 


+ + +     C R E D I T S      + + +

Master J.R.R Tolkien for all the wonders of Middle-earth;

New Line Cinema, Peter Jackson, and Richard Armitage for the beautiful picture in the cover, a job well done for portraying my so-called Dwarvish father, Thorin II;

And finally to all of authors and readers out there, including you who's reading, for pushing me through to try the art of story-writing.

+ + +     G U I D E      TO        T H E         C H A R A C T E R S       + + +

+ You are in this story as ( y/n ) *your name . You pretend as a male with the name Rolven Etherstone. You've had a rough past but made it through with your right-hand men, Urdin and Ratter. Physical description will not be added; imagine yourself in the main character's place as you wish!

Ratter is one of your most trusted crewmates. He has a small, sqaured face with little facial hair. His hair is black drawn back with a bandana. His hair is usually messy. It is also long, reaching until the ends of his neck. His wrists and lower legs are covered in bandages and he prefers going barefoot due to all the years roaming in the shores of Middle-earth. Most of his body parts are covered in scars. He is part-dwarvish; his mother was a hybrid of a dwarf and a man (his grandmother was a maiden of Rohan).        

Urdin is one of your most trusted crewmates. He is taller than anyone else, and has light yet dirty blonde hair. It is drawn back with a silver, jewel-studded clip at the back of his hair. In addition to that, braids are woven in his hair. His hair is long; reaching the ends of his back, making him look like an elf from afar. He is noble and high in fashion, making him look respectable. His clothes may be of elegance but it does not limit his capacities in stealth and thievery skill. He is half-elf in truth; his great, great grandfather was a high lord among the elves but perished in battle. His pointed ears are covered in piercings and jewelry of all kinds.        

+ + +       U P D A T I N G         + + +     

I will try my best to update this story as fast as possible; I have many stories at hand! This will be a long one because it is independent, standing on its own. On December, I believe, will be the most time for updates with this story. I hope you will continue to support it if you must learn to like it. 


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