S01E16: There Goes the Neighborhood

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Roslyn's POV

I decide to skip school to visit Damon and ask him about our stupid date. I also wish to discuss him turning me. He's been here five months and still hasn't turned me. I'm beginning to think he never planned to. "Damon, you home?" I ask as I enter the boarding house.

"No need to yell" he says coming downstairs. "Why are you here?" he asks me.

"I won a date with you in the raffle last night, but I also wished to discuss my transformation" I state.

He smirks and goes into the parlor as I follow. "So what did you wish to do for our date?" he asks me.

"Nothing romantic, just dinner at the grill with drinks would be fine" I tell him. "Now about my transformation, it's been five months and I've done everything you've asked of me. Still you haven't turned me" I state.

"Not in the mood" he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"You promised Damon" I remind him.

"Urgh fine, I'll turn you when you finish school" he tells me.

"Thank you Damon" I say smiling when suddenly Anna enters the room with another woman.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Damon asks them as I stand behind him.

"An invitation wasn't necessary. I'm surprised that no living person resides here. Is it just you, your brother and your toy?" the woman asks him.

"I'm not his toy" I snap glaring at her.

"How do you keep out uninvited vampires?" Anna asks Damon.

"I kill them" Damon states and charges Pearl. But she stops him and flips him onto the floor. I gulp not knowing what to do.

"Have a seat Damon" the woman tells him.

"You to Roslyn" Anna tells me.

"I was hoping we could have a word" the woman tells Damon. He agrees sitting down and I sit down beside him. The woman introduces herself as Pearl, Anna's mother. "We've taken up residence at a farmhouse just outside the town. It'll suffice for now" she explains.

"All 25 vampires?" I ask shocked.

"Not all, some. I imagine that a few have already left town. Others are probably still in the woods or like us acclimating" Pearl explains.

"How did they get out of the tomb?" Damon asks.

"I think the witch screwed up that part of her hocus pocus" Anna says shrugging.

"I understand from Anna that the founding families still have a secret council?" Pearl says.

"And that you're apart of it" Anna adds.

"That's ridiculous" I tell them.

" I've been in Mystic Falls since the comet, Roslyn. I'm up to speed" Anna tells me.

"And so am I. And now that you've infiltrated the council, I'll need to know everything they know. Starting with a listing names of all the council members and their families" Pearl tells Damon.

"And everyone you supplied with vervain aside from Roslyn" Anna states.

"Yes, that will have to stop immediately" Pearl tells us.

"What exactly are you trying to achieve?" Damon asks them.

"Mystic Falls is our home, Damon. They took that from us. Our land, our home. It's time we rebuild" Pearl states.

"It's not your home" I tell her annoyed.

"It was 1864. Wake up woman. The world has moved on" Damon tells her.

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