S03E50: Smells Like Teen Spirit

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Roslyn's POV

It's been a week since I've been back. I've split my time from helping train Elena and helping Tyler adapt to being a hybrid. Only Damon, Bonnie, and Stefan I am one. They agreed to keep it a secret for me. So to everyone else I am just another vampire.

Tyler has been acting strange though since he became a hybrid. He's behaving more like his old jerky self. The guy Caroline would never be friends with, let alone date. Anyway, today we are all back at school. It's Elena and the other's senior year.

She had a training session with Alaric this morning. While I slept in. I arrive at school and headed straight for history. I take my usual seat and soon the other students enter along with Alaric. "Welcome back, seniors and junior. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders...the Native Americans" he tells us.

Just then Rebekah Mikaelson enters the classroom and I frown. Didn't she leave with Klaus. "What about the vikings?" she asks Ric. She sits in the empty desk beside me.

"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States. Who are you?" Ric asks.

"My name's Rebekah. I'm new. And history's my favorite subject" she tells him smiling. Yeah, because you lived through most of it. Class was good and I grab my stuff at the end intending to leave. But Rebekah follows me to my locker.

"What do you want Rebekah?" I ask her.

"I thought we had fun this summer" she says.

"No, your brother held me against my will and I enjoyed making him suffer every chance I got. Sure you and I got along, but I am home" I tell her. "I have my family and best friends, and don't need anyone else" I state.

"I could always compel you" she tells me.

"Then our friendship wouldn't be real" I tell her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a study session before I have to go watch my best friends train" I state and leave her. I go to the library and study. Before heading to the oval where the cheerleaders and football team are training. I notice Elena and Stefan on the race track jogging.

I sit on the bleachers and hear on of the cheerleaders ask if anyone has seen Dana. Just then Rebekah appears in workout clothes. "Sounds like you have an opening on the squad" she says smiling. She then starts to stretch.

"You can't just come here and infiltrate all of our lives" Care tells her hotly.

"I'm only interested in yours. Your spunk, your popularity" Rebekah tells her. Then looks over at Tyler. "Maybe even your boyfriend" she adds and I glare at her. But then hear Tyler compelling the coach. I go to intervene, but Care beats me to it.

Rebekah makes impressive gymnastic moves that end with a front split. She looks at Caroline and Tyler with a smile. No way Care can refuse letting her on the team now. I sigh and shoulder my bag before leaving. I go home.

When Elena comes home she starts to lift weights. While I spot her until Damon rocks up. "What? Are you going to bench press a vampire?" Damon asks her.

"Do you actually know what's happening right now? Stefan called me a human blood bag. He's a completely different person" Elena tells us.

"What did you expect? He has no humanity" I remind her. Damon presses down on the bar she's lifting with one hand. She tries to push it up. "What are you doing?" I demand with Elena.

"Helping her out" he states. "Come on Buffy" he says putting more pressure on the bar.

"Stop it!" Elena exclaims and lets go of the bar. The bar remains mid-air held by Damon, who lifts it and places it on the rack. "Like one obnoxious Salvatore isn't enough" she grumbles as she sits up.

Roslyn Sommers: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now