S01E19: Miss Mystic Falls

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Roslyn's POV

Bonnie's back in town and I really happy. But Caroline reminded us all of the founders' court. Elena's one of the contestants. She sends me to go pick her dress as she went to go ask Stefan to be her escort. I look at the dresses and pick the blue one. Elena always looks good in blue.

I go home and find mum alone. "That Elena's dress?" she asks seeing the garment bag.

"Yes" I say smiling as I lay it on the table. "Are we alone?" I ask her.

"John's out doing who knows what and Jeremy went to the grill. Elena's not back yet" she tells me. "Why?" she asks as she puts the kettle on.

"I thought now would be a good time to talk about my dad" I say tentatively.

"Ah yes your father, you've been asking about he a lot recently" she muses.

"A few of your past lovers have reappeared in town and Elena's adopted. It just makes me wonder about Dad, why you're not with him?" I tell her.

"You know I was young when I had you" she reminds me.

"Yes, it was around the time you left town because of Logan Fell" I state.

"I went to Louisiana, that's where I meet your father" she tells me. "He's name was Brian Labonair. He was very attractive with slim body with dark brown hair and brown eyes. You have his eyes actually" she explains smiling gently.

"What happened to him?" I ask her.

"He went back home to his wife and child" she states. I look at her shocked. "He and his wife had a fight so he left his hometown to clear his head. Since I was doing the same, we hooked up at a bar. When I discovered I was pregnant I tried to find him. But when I did, I found out he and his family had died. So I returned here to be with my family and had you" she explains.

"So he's dead?" I say sadly.

"He would of loved you, I know it. We may of not been together, but he was a decent man. You would of had an older half sister if fate was kinder" she tells me.

"Do I have anything else in common with him?" I ask her curious.

"You're both fighters and your birth mark is the same one he has" she tells me.

"I hope one day I can learn more about him and his family" I say smiling gently. "But at least I have you, Elena and Jeremy" I add.

"You will always have us" she assures me. "Tell you what, I'll help you get Elena ready tomorrow" she tells me.

"And risk burning her hair?" I ask teasingly.

"That was one time" she says pouting. "Anyway Alaric will be driving us and Elena" she tells me.

"Great, means I can avoid John" I say smiling.

"We both can" she states and we giggle.

(Next day)

Elena loves the dress I chose for her and I grab her beauty bag. As she carried her dress and we go downstairs. Alaric arrives and takes her dress and John looks at him confused. "Alaric, hi buddy. What are you doing here?" John asks him.

"He's our chauffeur" I state.

"I thought I was driving" John says confused.

"Jeremy can ride with you" Jenna tells him as she enters the room. "Come on, we have to go now. If we want plenty of time to get Elena ready" she tells us. Alaric, Elena and I leave with her.

Once there I go upstairs with Elena and we go to the make-up room. I do her make-up first, just high-lighting her natural features. Before moving to her hair. "Thanks for helping me" she says smiling at me through the mirror.

Roslyn Sommers: The Vampire DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now