Chapter 2

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I wake up to the hustle around the palace and realize the event that took place yesterday.

I pull myself up from my bed and walk around my room for some expensive sets of Accessories and A hanbok gifted by Her highness Ma Yi as a respect to her Ascending to the throne.

"(Y/n)! Get ready! The Queen is being taken to the higher court by the royal carriage." Says Yeri Unnie.

"Greeting Unnie! I'll catch up soon! You can leave with Hyuna Unnie and Chungha Unnie!" I speak across the door as I get my things ready for a bath.

"Alright, We'll leave! Jennie Unnie and Jisoo Unnie already left so you don't have to wait for them!" Yeri Unnie speaks up cheerfully and I reply With a strong 'Ok' making her giggle as her footsteps fade.


I walk to the Royal court and 2 people catch my gaze."Oh! Dahyun Unnie and ... Greeting Miss Choi." I bow down as Choi Yena stands with Dahyun Unnie smiling with her.

"Oh (Y/n) you know we don't use honorifics outside the court or at events right? Drop the formality already." Yena Unnie laughs as she and Dahyun Unnie continue to talk.

"I'll make sure I take care of that next time," I smile and turn towards a huge door. "But let's not drop honorifics now shall we?"I laugh and open the huge doors of the royal court.

"Greetings Choi Yena." All the ministers greet her and ignore our existence. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Greetings 3rd queen Kang Yi Na. I hope we are not late." I deeply bow down as Dahyun and Yena Unnie follow me.

"Not at all, In fact, we were just talking about you (Y/n)." 3rd queen cheerfully speaks and I nod.

"I'm happy to know that Your great highness had talked about me." I nod one last time and walk to my place. Dahyun Unnie following me and Yena unnie going the other way.

If you are wondering why? The Kang kingdom is divided into a lot of positions. If I were to start from the lowest,

The Outer City.

Where people starve to death and work as slaves. The king couldn't do anything for he had no proof and they can't enter the Inner City.

The Inner City.

All the Nobles and Middle-class people stay here and work under the Higher Nobles or Royal figures.

The Outer Palace.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. But the Outer palace was solely made for Us, The Kims.

we don't have a right to anything and we are living in the palace for Namesake as one of our Ancestors had Protected the Country from great loss.

The Central Palace.

The place where the Chois reside, higher than Kims. They are given most of their rights but the ministers have something against them.

The Royal Palace.

The 2 highest ranks.The Kangs and The Parks. Kangs being the strongest are the Royal family but the Parks being politically related, don't get the right to be called as the Royals.

The thought crosses my mind and only one thing gets written in my head.

'If you are a Kim, How will they accept you as their higher authority?'

I ponder upon that thought and a smirk lies on my face as I answer my own question.

'It might be hard for them, but since I will be a higher authority, I'll get myself a group of people who love to talk about me.'

The 3rd queen glances at me and notices the smirk on my face. I raise my eyes and we make a contact. She raises her eyebrow in curiosity and I smile, Shaking my head as it's nothing.

The 3rd queen nods and the 2nd queen ascends the throne. I stare in confusion as I realize that I was out of the world for half the Ceremony.

"The Prodigy Shall present a speech for the people of Kangs and a gratitude towards the queen." Announces the 3rd queen and I bow down.

"My greatest pleasure your great Highness." I walk towards the stairs that ascend to the throne and stand in the middle of them.

"We all assemble here to witness the Queen, 2nd wife of the deceased King and the most pure-hearted soul of the Kingdom, Ma Yi, as she has ascended the throne and is ready to give her all to the Kindom of Kang, I hereby declare The Kang kingdom in her hands to protect and to train." I bow deeply and turn to the Queen.

A beautiful pair of grey eyes meet mine and she smiles purely at me. The hairpins clanking with each other as she raises her head more and her posture fully attentive as I smile at her.

"I, [Y/n], swear by My great Nation that, I will be faithful and bear true Loyalty to Her Great Highness, Her Heirs and Successors according to law. I will give my loyalty to the Kang Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms." I bow down deeply and cheers are heard behind me.

"All Hail Her Great Highness!" The words echo and I pick myself up.

"All Hail her great Highness." I softly speak with my gaze down and walk to my position.

As I did, The same pair of aesthetic eyes from yesterday caught mine. I gazed around him only to see a girl beside him and four boys with one having a face I know.

'The Kangs.'

The girl being the most beautiful face around the whole Palace,

Kang Seulgi.

The 2nd Queen's only daughter and the only Girl of the Kangs.I only know her by formality but I do know she has a clean heart and a really breathtaking face.

Next to her was the only Kang I knew personally,

Kang Daesung.

The 1st Queen's only Son and Child, Also the eldest Kang. He was a known mini strategist and people thought that he would be the next king but because of his Mother being corrupted, He couldn't accomplish it. I know him because he tends to sneak out of the Royal palace a lot and he has crossed paths with me frequently.

There is one more I know but only by face.

Kang Daniel.

The 3rd Queen's oldest son and a very kind gentleman, Well at least by the rumours.

Only the youngest of the Kangs name breezes through the palace as the troubleMaker and No one takes action against him.

Kang Taehyun.

Only known as the 3rd Queen's youngest son and the Youngest among all Kangs.

And the other two boys are still a mystery to me.


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