Chapter 13 (M)

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(Read at your own risk!)

Drunk. That's what Yeosang was when I was carrying him. His hand was around my shoulder and I was stumbling with him.

"I mwae a michskate massing you wire thwese kemno." He accusingly points at me and slurps with his voice.(I made a mistake making you wear this Kimono)

"You are right, I don't like it either." I simply say as I focus on the door in front of us. Finally we are here.

'I'm just gonna throw him in here and run away.'

I think and slide the door open, his bed lies all ready to be taken by him. I pull him to his bed and push him on it.

He whines and I turn to walk away but, he pulls me by the leg and drags it. Making me fall backward.

I close my eyes and I land in Yeosang's arms. I open my eyes to see him staring at me.

"Strip." He firmly says and I blush. My whole body heats up and my cheeks start burning.

He lays me softly on his bed and removes his jewelry. I notice him not stumbling a bit and realize he was acting.

"Yes, I acted so that you can take me till here. I'm sober but, I feel the alcohol." He casually says and removes his coat.

"Should I call someone to make you change?" I ask him and he shakes his head while rolling his eyes.

"You are there right?" He falls on the bed and places his arms beside me, his bangs hanging loosely on his forehead and his hair free.

'He looks so ethereal.'

I look into his eyes and fall deeper. He doesn't move and let's me admire his face. My hands willingly places themselves on his cheeks and I caress it.

'If only we were born somewhere else.'

Before I could say anything, the deed was done. He placed his lips on mine and pushed me down on his bed.

Yeosang wrapped his hand around my waist and caressed it delicately.

"(Y/n)," he moans my name and I grunt, humming as a reply. "You told You don't like this dress, so remove before I tear it off." He aggressively says and Grabs the collar of my Kimono from the back and tugs it.

"If only you'll" I couldn't form a proper sentence because he inserted his tongue in my mouth.

I let him explore my hot cavern as our bodies touched. I was needy for his touch and he was doing it right.

"Forget it." He growls and tears off the kimono. I yelp in fear and hide my body on instinct.

"Let me see your beautiful body, I want to be the only one." His husky voice hypnotizes me and my arms move away from my chest and to his neck.

He kisses me on the lips then slides down to my neck. He licks it then sucks it and bites my skin. He repeats as he reaches my chest.

"You are really beautiful." He says and grabs my left breast while sucks my right one. I moan and arch my back at his sensitive yet cold fingers.

Yeosang starts grinding his hip with mine, his bulge hardening and poking me as my underwear soaks my wetness.

I tangle my arms in his hair and and pull them, causing him to groan.

"Yeosang~" I sing his name and he looks up to me.

'It's killing me.'

As soon as he reads me, He pulls down my underwear and starts stripping himself.

He does it slowly and teasingly and I groan in frustration. He notices and smirks.

As soon as he removes his last piece of clothing, His six packs are revealed and by now, I'm really needy.

I get up and reach to touch his chest and he giggles as I start sucking on his skin. Leaving possible love bites.

I look at his manhood and my eyes widen. He places his fingers on my chin and pulls my face up.

"Look here, doll." His nickname turns me on more and I pull him down with me on the bed. Eyes not breaking the contact.

He points his tip at my entrance and starts teasing my clit.

"Yeosang~" as I moan he stops. Making me look at him with needy eyes. He removes the hair from my face and tucks them behind my ear.

"I love you." He says.

I stare at him for a while and he nods to satisfy me. Tears well up in my eyes and a soft smile plasters on my face.

"I love you too." As soon as I say That, he inserts his length in me and I moan. I scratch his back and he kisses softly on my lips.

"You are my Goddess." He whispers huskily and I moan his full name. He stares at me and I nod, saying him I'm ready.

He starts thrusting slowly as the Pain starts to wash away and the waves of pleasure and Euphoria fills my body.

He notices my groans that turned into sweet moans and starts thrusting faster. Making me go on the edge. We both moan each other's names as a knot forms in my stomach.

"Yeo-Sang... I'm g-Gonna..." I choke on my own breath and Yeosang's manhood twitches in me. "Me too..."

We both release together and he falls on me. We both play with each other's hair and he slides to the side.

I turn to face him and caress his cheek as he twirls his finger in my hair.

"Take MinSae's position as a Park and marry me. Otherwise I'm gonna turn the whole system upside down." He strictly says and I glare at him.

"Then change it." I say softly and his eyes widen in shock. I smile at his reaction.

"Make all the families equal and destroy the system." He nods and kisses me.

"Let's sleep, I'm tired." He pulls me into his chest but I push him away.

"You sleep I'm going-" before I could get up he snorts.

"You're gonna go naked? Sure..." he remarks teasingly I and I turn to glare at him.

"I'll wear your Hanbok." I pout and walk to his closet only to have him come behind me with a blanket and wrap both of us in it.

"I order you to stay here." He snuggles in my neck and holds me tight.

"But, what if someone sees us?" I nervously say. What if Ma Yi comes in or a servant sees us? I'll be executed before I could do anything about this whole thing.

He turns me around and kisses me on the lips. Making me blush. He looks into my eyes and place his forehead on mine.

"I don't care, You are my queen now and I won't let anyone dare to look down on you."


A/n: hate to break the steam but the story is almost coming to an may continue

(To my Indian readers: Hayye Garmiii!!)

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