Chapter 15

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"Long live the king and queen!" Chan immediately says and the other three follows, stuttering a bit in shock.

"I'm proud to know that you chose the right one, your highness." Ma Yi says as tears brim her eyes. She looked so happy and it made me let out a breath of relief.

"I believe that she is a blessing sent down from the heavens. May you both live longer, together." Yi Na says and we both glance at each other then nod in unison. She proudly smiles. After all, she was my teacher.

"How can you make a low life like her, the queen?!" Pa Hi immediately presents herself in front of Yeosang and he is unfazed by her as he glares at her with a cold expression.

"Anyone who dare defy my queen will be sent to the outer palace. Therefore, you have not only broken one of the laws but also, have questioned my choice." He calmly says but his grip tightens on my hand. I turn to look at Pa Hi and she seemed raged and shocked, like everything was out of her hands.

"Anyone who is unhappy with the Queen may present themselves." Yeosang smiles ear to ear playfully and Chan shakes his head.

"Neither your highness! In fact, we are happy to know that you'll be marrying someone you love." Chan tries to hold his smile and winks at Yeosang playfully.

"Lady Kang?" Yeosang turns to Seulgi with a smile and she bows as an answer.

"Yes your highness?" She looks up and smiles cheerfully at us.

"I want you to be with the queen at all times." He orders her and she nods excitedly.

"I'd be delighted!" She claps her hands together and gives a huge grin.

"Also, I initially invite the Lees, Songs, Jeongs and Jungs to our marriage, please do accept." Yeosang smiles sweetly at all his friends and I read his eyes.

'It's almost over.'

As soon as I see him, a smile places on my lips and I lean into his warmth. He gets startled by that but soon wraps his arms around me.

"How can we not accept an invitation said by the King himself?! Long live the King and queen!" Wooyoung cheerfully says and Yeosang nods.

"You all are dismissed." He softly says and turns to me.

He keeps on staring at me until almost everyone leaves but, only the siblings stay.

"Hey, you should give us party you know." Wooyoung says and Yeosang glares at him.

"You'll be attending my marriage isn't that eno-" before Yeosang could finish, Daniel speaks.

"Actually, we won't enjoy with all the elders there. Let's go by majority," he looks around and winks at Yeosang playfully. "If you agree, hands up!" He pops the 'up' and everyone raises their hand. Wooyoung raises both his hands and we laugh at his extraness.

"(Y/n) is sick so, still a no." He doesn't notice me and just stares at them while I quietly raise my hand.

"You're so mean, at least ask her what she wants!" Seulgi scolds him playfully and Yeosang stares at her in shock. He quickly nods and turns his head towards me.

"Wha-?" He sees my hand slightly raised and I look around, ignoring his presence.

Everyone starts laughing as soon as Yeosang puts his hand on his chest.

I turn to look at him and shrug.

"Well, We should have this party." As soon as I say that he regains himself and turns around.

"The party will be tonight, we'll just prepare the food and it will be casual." He quickly says and sits back on his throne.

"Would you look at that? Someone decided to change their plans because of their lover." Hongjoong says with a smirk and a blush creeps on my face.

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