Chapter 7

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"What?! No way, San!" (Y/n) shakily says as San casually walks with her around the courtyard.

"Believe it or not, You both are not aware but the whole palace knows it." San shrugs and before the girl could reply, a Woman comes in sight.

"Lady Kim and Sir Choi, you've been called to the throne room." Her posture remains the same, head down and hands trembling in fear.

"Yeah, Let's go." San quickly replies and walks front, the girl still standing there and staring at Woman.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He turns around with his eyebrow raised and the girl snaps towards him and shakes her head.

"Nothing." (Y/n) walks to the frightened Woman and grabs her chin. Raising her head up.

"If you are talking to me, talk like I'm your friend." She gives a heartwarming smile and turns to walk with San to the throne room.
Leaving the Woman in shock.

"But I'm a mere servant!" She protests and (Y/n) turns around, smiling eye to eye.

"Doesn't change the fact that we are indeed created By the same Creator." As she says that, the woman smiles shyly and nods. San looks at the whole scenario and a smile plasters itself on his face.

'You deserve to be called the royal advisor and a queen.'

San thinks to himself and shakes his head, declining the thoughts. "Well, shall we leave? Friend?" San teasingly asks (Y/n) and she nods, following him quickly.

The pair reach the throne room and both take deep breaths. "It won't work." (Y/n) says as a matter of fact and San sighs. "We're screwed."

They open the doors and there sits their King, all in glory.

"The King wanted Advisor's presence!" The girl bows first and then San follows. "The King wanted Choi San's presence." He bows too and Yeosang nods in approval.

"It seems that Lady Park has reported the whole scenario to Queen Pa Hi and she might sue you." A smirk lies on Yeosang's face and the pair realizes that they aren't in trouble because... well... it's Pa Hi.

"Highness, Language." (Y/n) softly says but, Yeosang just giggles.

"My apology, Advisor." He playfully says but then the soft smile and bright face is soon replaced with sadness and regret.

"Not for my language but for not realizing what I was doing, I apologise to both of you." A small smile places itself on San's face as he looks at the king.

"Highness, I only did what I thought was right, In fact, I should be ashamed of grabbing your hand so rudely." He places his right hand on his chest as he kneels down.

"No, I should be ashamed... I'm greatful for you both to open my eyes so Thank You." Yeosang's voice was no longer the dominant one, it became a soft one.

'Oh what a beauty it would've been, If they were all born in some other place, just not this one.'

(Y/n)'s thoughts are interrupted by Pa Hi opening- wait no- tearing the door open like the wild animal she is and quickly standing in front of the girl.

"Greetings, your great highness." San and the girl greet in chorus as they kneel down.

"Advisor Kim (Y/n)!" The girl flinches at her loud voice as both Yeosang and San quietly rage on her tone.

"Yes, highness?" She politely replies and the queen grabs her hand harshly the girl winces in pain but says nothing.

"How dare you raise your hand on the future queen?!" She tightens the grip and yet the girl doesn't say anything.

"I apologise." (Y/n) softly says, San and Yeosang staring at her in shock.

"Advisor Kim." Yeosang's voice comes out more like an order as everyone turns to him, his eyes showing pure rage.

"Yes, great highness?" Even though her skin was burning and on the verge of bleeding, she didn't care.

'My King is my first priority!'

The thought runs through her head as her eyes show full concentration.

"You didn't complete your work." Something about his deep voice made a shiver run down both the females' spines. Somehow, (Y/n) was heating up but she didn't know why.

"My apology, Highness." The girl finally pulls her hand away from Pa Hi and walks towards the stairs.

"Your great highness!" Pa Hi screams at him and he just raises his eyebrow in question.

"That stench is just trying to get close to you-" She stops as soon as she notices his eyes.

"Mother queen, you haven't greeted me, you don't know what is actually happening, you are causing a scene and You hurted the royal advisor without a solid proof." Yeosang's calm voice was enough for everyone to know his anger.

"My grievest apology, great highness." She kneels down and acts as if she's guilty.

"I cannot forgive you, you have hurted the royal advisor, the most prized posession after the king."


A/n: my fuses have gone and idk what I wrote...I apologise for not updating it sooner.... My brain has lost its cells...*sighs* anyways...I will have slow slow....I'm really sorry...

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