Chapter 10

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It was around evening when I had recieved the letter.

Dear Advisor Kim,

The work is done and we have successfully delivered the letter, they gave us the best hospitality and we didn't go through much trouble, they were co operative. I'll leave everything in your hands now.

Commander Choi Yu Han.

I quickly walk out from my office and towards the throne room where Yeosang was reading notes.

'Just hoping I don't cross paths with Pa Hi or Minsae.'

I try my best to avoid prying eyes as I walk in the palace, the letter hidden in my long sleeves.

I reach the throne room but, The maids standing out, stop me. I recognize them as Min Sae's and somehow my blood boils.

"No one is allowed to enter." One of the maids say, smiling shyly. I clutch the letter and refrain my urge to slap her.

I may be calm and collected but, if it's Minsae or Pa Hi, you will see the worse side of me.

"Inform his highness." I politely say but she shakes her head.

"We are not to disturb." An irk mark appears and I almost choke her but Seulgi comes in sight and I quickly turn to her.

Wait till you see her wrath.

"Hey, Lady Kang, it seems that lady Minsae is alone with his highness and they are not letting me in." As soon as I say 'alone', Seulgi doesn't think twice and barges in.

Deja vu.

Seulgi doesn't like Minsae because she knows her true colors and how she is working under Pa Hi.

"Kang Seulgi has come to greet you, highness!" She screams, her hanbok perfectly swaying and her heels clicking softly against the floor.

"Greetings to you too." Yeosang says and I notice Min Sae in red Hanbok with golden linings. I raise my eyebrow as she frowns.

"Advisor Kim has come to greet you too, highness." I bow to him but, Minsae being herself, becomes aggressive.

"He is the king. Kneel!" She screams at me and my eye seem to twitch. The nerve.

"My apologies but, we have something important to discuss Lady Park, Would you please excuse us?" I calmly say but she seem to be raged by it.

"Why are there maids on guard?!" Seulgi demands and Minsae looks at her in shock and horror.

"They aren't." MinSae simply says and I raise my eyebrow.

"What are you talking about, Noona?" Yeosang asks her and she shakes her head in disappointment.

"Advisor Kim, do tell." I glance at her and then at Yeosang, I contemplate whether I should say it or not.

I let it go once.

"It was only me there so I don't have much proof except for my words, let it go Lady Kang." I give her a sign that her presence is only a waste of time and she nods.

"You may leave, Lady Park." Yeosang orders and she grumpily leaves.

I then realize the letter in my palm that has been crushed and I freak out. Seulgi gives me a worried look and I start getting scared.

"Why the glum face, (Y/n)?" Seulgi asks and I show her my palm. A crushed paper all balled up. She starts laughing hysterically and I deeply sigh. I turn to look at Yeosang only to see him controlling his laugh.

"Anyways, the work is done, You just need to announce that Jihyo will marry Daniel." I collect myself and casually speak. He nods, both the siblings not over their laughs yet.

I facepalm and hand Yeosang the crushed paper. He opens it, trying not to laugh. He reads it and does the most unexpected thing. After reading it he crushes it and then throws it in the fire lit beside him.

"Call the Park and Kang household!" He orders and someone knocks on the side, indicating that the orders are carried out.

Chan comes in running first and I realize that I didn't need him after all.

He walks and stands beside Seulgi, who stands right near the throne as she faces towards the gate. I walk and stand in my place as all our friends gather first, followed by Ma Yi who stands on the opposite side of Seulgi and also faces towards the gate. Yi Na and Pa Hi come together and she seems quite excited.

My suspicions get confirmed when I look at Minsae being all giggly and realize that she might have thought Yeosang is going to propose her.

"Greetings from the Parks, Highness." Seonghwa comes in front and kneels to Yeosang followed by Chan who kneels beside him.

"Greetings from the Kangs, Highness." Chan says and Yeosang nods. The boys then stand on each side of the room, representing their clans.

"I have gathered these two clans on both gleeful and Dreadful occasion. I apologies for interrupting your work." As soon as Yeosang finishes, both the boys kneel again.

"Not at all, we are always at your service." Chan and Seonghwa both glance at Yeosang who smiles and then a laugh escapes his lips, a short one.

I smile too. After all, there is nothing about ordering in this, just simple hand in marriage for two love birds.

I glance at Jihyo and then at Daniel. Both of them talking with their eyes. Well that's common in the palace.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm but, that's not the case." He says and then continues.

"I have been informed that our neighbouring kingdom, the Jung kingdom has politely declined the hand in marriage of Lady Park. I am very disappointed to know that but, it's not upto us to decide what or who they want." His smooth words caught everyone off guard as they just stood there in shock. Of course, the news must be really disheartening for the Parks.

"We are devastated to hear the news and we understand the grief of Parks and your orders." Chan lowers his head and says. Yeosang just nods.

"And to give back the Parks their pride," he continues but, pauses to see their reactions.

MinSae fixes herself and Pa Hi giggles like the mad woman she is. People around them question their actions and so I decide to tease them.

"It seems that Lady Minsae and Mother queen, Pa Hi are excited to hear the news, Highness." Both the said names glare at me and I ignore them by glancing at Yeosang who gives me a small smirk.

"Indeed." As soon as he says that, Minsae takes a step front but is stopped by Yeosang's words.

"I ask for Lady Park Jihyo's hand in marriage for my elder brother Sir Kang Daniel."


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